On the set of Can't Stop the Music

American actress Valerie Perrine surrounded by members of the American disco band Village People: (L to R) David Hodo, Felipe Rose, Randy Jones, Alex Briley, Ray Simpson and Glenn Hughes, on the set of Can't Stop the Music by American actress and director Nancy Walker. (Photo by Michael Childers/Sygma/Sygma via Getty Images)
American actress Valerie Perrine surrounded by members of the American disco band Village People: (L to R) David Hodo, Felipe Rose, Randy Jones, Alex Briley, Ray Simpson and Glenn Hughes, on the set of Can't Stop the Music by American actress and director Nancy Walker. (Photo by Michael Childers/Sygma/Sygma via Getty Images)
On the set of Can't Stop the Music
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Michael Childers / Colaborador
ID Editorial:
Sygma Premium
Data da criação:
01 de janeiro de 1980
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Sygma Premium
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5315 x 3543 px (45,00 x 30,00 cm) - 300 dpi - 10 MB