Dr. Felix Umanski, head of neurosurgery at Hadassah Hospital

ISRAEL - JANUARY 09: Dr. Felix Umanski, head of neurosurgery at Hadassah Hospital, left, and Shlomo Mor-Yosef, director general of the Hadassa Medical Center, speak to the media in Jerusalem, Israel, Monday, January 9, 2006. Ariel Sharon's massive stroke threw Israelis into shock, as the public expressed anxiety about the possible loss of a prime minister who might have held the key to resolving the country's conflict with the Palestinians. (Photo by David Karp/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
ISRAEL - JANUARY 09: Dr. Felix Umanski, head of neurosurgery at Hadassah Hospital, left, and Shlomo Mor-Yosef, director general of the Hadassa Medical Center, speak to the media in Jerusalem, Israel, Monday, January 9, 2006. Ariel Sharon's massive stroke threw Israelis into shock, as the public expressed anxiety about the possible loss of a prime minister who might have held the key to resolving the country's conflict with the Palestinians. (Photo by David Karp/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
Dr. Felix Umanski, head of neurosurgery at Hadassah Hospital
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Getty ImagesDr. Felix Umanski, head of neurosurgery at Hadassah Hospital, Foto jornalísticaDr. Felix Umanski, head of neurosurgery at Hadassah Hospital, Foto jornalísticaDr. Felix Umanski, head of neurosurgery at Hadassah Hospital Obtenha fotos jornalísticas preminum de alta resolução em Getty ImagesProduct #:94823863
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09 de janeiro de 2006
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