Last minute entrants in Millar W. Here are the latest entrants in the half-million-dollar Millar wil

CANADA - OCTOBER 21: Last minute entrants in Millar W. Here are the latest entrants in the half-million-dollar Millar will contest; photographed at their home on Dagmar St. to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith have registered nine children in the past ten years. [Incomplete] (Photo by Toronto Star Archives/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
CANADA - OCTOBER 21: Last minute entrants in Millar W. Here are the latest entrants in the half-million-dollar Millar will contest; photographed at their home on Dagmar St. to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith have registered nine children in the past ten years. [Incomplete] (Photo by Toronto Star Archives/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
Last minute entrants in Millar W. Here are the latest entrants in the half-million-dollar Millar wil
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Getty ImagesLast minute entrants in Millar W. Here are the latest entrants in the..., Foto jornalísticaLast minute entrants in Millar W. Here are the latest entrants in the..., Foto jornalísticaLast minute entrants in Millar W. Here are the latest entrants in the... Obtenha fotos jornalísticas preminum de alta resolução em Getty ImagesProduct #:502254247
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Toronto Star Archives / Colaborador
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Toronto Star
Data da criação:
21 de outubro de 1936
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Toronto Star
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