Mr. Brian McGowan the State Member for Gosford who is chairing a NSW Select Committee to examine the School Certificate is pictured at work at Parliament House today.

Mr. Brian McGowan the State Member for Gosford who is chairing a NSW Select Committee to examine the School Certificate is pictured at work at Parliament House today. February 21, 1980. (Photo by Grant Peterson/Fairfax Media via Getty Images).
Mr. Brian McGowan the State Member for Gosford who is chairing a NSW Select Committee to examine the School Certificate is pictured at work at Parliament House today. February 21, 1980. (Photo by Grant Peterson/Fairfax Media via Getty Images).
Mr. Brian McGowan the State Member for Gosford who is chairing a NSW Select Committee to examine the School Certificate is pictured at work at Parliament House today.
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Fairfax Media Archives
Data da criação:
21 de fevereiro de 1980
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Fairfax Media Archive
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3012 x 2413 px (25,50 x 20,43 cm) - 300 dpi - 2 MB