One of the displays in the exhibit entitled "treasuring the future: Children's rights and realitites

One of the displays in the exhibit entitled "treasuring the future: Children's rights and realitites" that opens friday at Cal State University Channel Islands . This display is entitled "I have the right to be taken care of first in times of danger" The exhibit is sponsored by Soka Gakkai International, Pleasant Valley Recreation and Park District and Cal State Channel Islands in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund. DIGITAL IMAGE SHOT ON 11/8 /2000 Camarillo, Ca. (Photo by Anne Cusack/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
One of the displays in the exhibit entitled "treasuring the future: Children's rights and realitites" that opens friday at Cal State University Channel Islands . This display is entitled "I have the right to be taken care of first in times of danger" The exhibit is sponsored by Soka Gakkai International, Pleasant Valley Recreation and Park District and Cal State Channel Islands in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund. DIGITAL IMAGE SHOT ON 11/8 /2000 Camarillo, Ca. (Photo by Anne Cusack/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
One of the displays in the exhibit entitled "treasuring the future: Children's rights and realitites
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Anne Cusack / Colaborador
ID Editorial:
Los Angeles Times
Data da criação:
01 de janeiro de 1900
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Los Angeles Times
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1152 x 1728 px (9,75 x 14,63 cm) - 300 dpi - 2 MB