A Thai motorcyclist speeds past a fishing boat which rests b

THAILAND - OCTOBER 20: A Thai motorcyclist speeds past a fishing boat which rests by the road in the center of Ban Nam Khem near Khao Lak, southern Thailand October 20, 2005. The tsunami caused sights like these are becoming a tourist attraction and there are no plans to move the boat. (Photo by Udo Weitz/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
THAILAND - OCTOBER 20: A Thai motorcyclist speeds past a fishing boat which rests by the road in the center of Ban Nam Khem near Khao Lak, southern Thailand October 20, 2005. The tsunami caused sights like these are becoming a tourist attraction and there are no plans to move the boat. (Photo by Udo Weitz/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
A Thai motorcyclist speeds past a fishing boat which rests b
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Getty ImagesA Thai motorcyclist speeds past a fishing boat which rests b, Foto jornalísticaA Thai motorcyclist speeds past a fishing boat which rests b, Foto jornalísticaA Thai motorcyclist speeds past a fishing boat which rests b Obtenha fotos jornalísticas preminum de alta resolução em Getty ImagesProduct #:94893379
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20 de outubro de 2005
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