Vera Miles

(Original Caption) Vera Miles, above, a native of Boise City, Oklahoma, arrived in Hollywood with two strikes against her--she had gained recognition through placing third in a "Miss America" pageant in Atlantic City after winning "Miss Wichita" and "Miss Kansas" titles. The actress found herself surrounded by other beauty winners upon her arrival in the celluloid community but found a champion in Alfred Hitchcock, who devloped her dramatic ability. (Complete Caption In Envelope)
(Original Caption) Vera Miles, above, a native of Boise City, Oklahoma, arrived in Hollywood with two strikes against her--she had gained recognition through placing third in a "Miss America" pageant in Atlantic City after winning "Miss Wichita" and "Miss Kansas" titles. The actress found herself surrounded by other beauty winners upon her arrival in the celluloid community but found a champion in Alfred Hitchcock, who devloped her dramatic ability. (Complete Caption In Envelope)
Vera Miles
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01 de janeiro de 1950
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2304 x 2905 px (19,51 x 24,60 cm) - 300 dpi - 2 MB