Billabong Pro Mundaka Surfing

MUNDAKA, SPAIN - OCTOBER 5: Victor Ribas, of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, surfs during the Billabong Pro Mundaka October 5, 2004 in Mundaka, Spain. Ribas was the first Brazilian through to round three after defeating Australians Toby Martin and Jake Paterson in round one today. The Billabong Pro which runs until 16th October is the ninth of 12 events on the 2004 Foster's men's ASP World Championship Tour (WCT) and features the top 45 surfers in world and three wildcard surfers. (Photo by Pierre Tostee/World Surf League via Getty Images)
MUNDAKA, SPAIN - OCTOBER 5: Victor Ribas, of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, surfs during the Billabong Pro Mundaka October 5, 2004 in Mundaka, Spain. Ribas was the first Brazilian through to round three after defeating Australians Toby Martin and Jake Paterson in round one today. The Billabong Pro which runs until 16th October is the ninth of 12 events on the 2004 Foster's men's ASP World Championship Tour (WCT) and features the top 45 surfers in world and three wildcard surfers. (Photo by Pierre Tostee/World Surf League via Getty Images)
Billabong Pro Mundaka Surfing
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World Surf League
Data da criação:
05 de outubro de 2004
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World Surf League
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