Western Village Haikyo, Abandoned Stagecoach - Japan is a...

OKUWAMACHI, NIKKO, TOCHIGI, JAPAN - 2017/07/17: Western Village Haikyo, Abandoned Stagecoach - Japan is a country associated with serene temples, exquisite gardens and cherry blossoms. It is the last place you'd expect to a Wild West theme park. Perhaps that is why it officially closed down to the public in 2007, but is still popular with explorers who still go there and try to imagine what it was like to travel back in time to the American Wild West for the afternoon amidst all the rubble, saloons and fading attractions. It now more closely resembles a horror movie movie set, but never mind. The place is fascinating on so many levels, that if visitors happen to be in the Nikko area, it is definitely a must, at least get a gander of the replica Mount Rushmore mountain as the train passes by. If you dare to enter (it is officially off limits but has easy access) you may be either creeped out by all the dishevelment and weeds or you may find yourself fascinated. Its at your own risk, but true aficionados of haikyo, abandoned buildings and theme parks will be unable to resist. (Photo by John S Lander/LightRocket via Getty Images)
OKUWAMACHI, NIKKO, TOCHIGI, JAPAN - 2017/07/17: Western Village Haikyo, Abandoned Stagecoach - Japan is a country associated with serene temples, exquisite gardens and cherry blossoms. It is the last place you'd expect to a Wild West theme park. Perhaps that is why it officially closed down to the public in 2007, but is still popular with explorers who still go there and try to imagine what it was like to travel back in time to the American Wild West for the afternoon amidst all the rubble, saloons and fading attractions. It now more closely resembles a horror movie movie set, but never mind. The place is fascinating on so many levels, that if visitors happen to be in the Nikko area, it is definitely a must, at least get a gander of the replica Mount Rushmore mountain as the train passes by. If you dare to enter (it is officially off limits but has easy access) you may be either creeped out by all the dishevelment and weeds or you may find yourself fascinated. Its at your own risk, but true aficionados of haikyo, abandoned buildings and theme parks will be unable to resist. (Photo by John S Lander/LightRocket via Getty Images)
Western Village Haikyo, Abandoned Stagecoach - 
Japan is a...
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