Foto de stock de Sandringham House

Located in Norfolk, Sandringham House is one of two personal and private residences owned by the English Royal Family. The residence - which is occupied since Elizabethan times - is one of the most loved by the Queen, who uses to spend here the Christmas Day and year-end holidays.
Located in Norfolk, Sandringham House is one of two personal and private residences owned by the English Royal Family. The residence - which is occupied since Elizabethan times - is one of the most loved by the Queen, who uses to spend here the Christmas Day and year-end holidays.
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Sandringham House
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R$ 1.900,00
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Tipo de licença:
Moment Unreleased
Tamanho máximo do arquivo:
4381 x 2921 px (37,09 x 24,73 cm) - 300 dpi - 6 MB
Data do upload:
Sandringham, United Kingdom
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Uso editorial
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