RAF air crews strike at Islamic State targets from RAF Akrotiri

RAF air crews strike at Islamic State targets from RAF Akrotiri; CYPRUS: RAF Akrotiri: EXT RAF Tornado aircraft taking part in Operation Shader taxiing RAF Tornado aircraft along runway for take-off RAF Tornado bomber taking off Air Commodore Martin Sampson (UK Air Component Commander) interview SOT - Have everything we need for our mission Sign "Danger. Aircraft Armed" as pilots walk past INT HANGAR Pilots and ground crew around RAF Tornado aircraft Bomb attached to aircraft with OUT OF FOCUS pilot in background Pilot putting on flight helmet Pilot climbing into cockpit silhouetted against the sky Expeditionary air wing pilot anonymous interview SOT - They are an absolutely brutal enemy INT Various of members of air crew putting on kit before flight Handgun on table Various of RAF air crew being briefed before mission over Iraq EXT RAF A330 Voyager air tanker taking off IN THE AIR: INT AIRCRAFT Crew sitting in cockpit of A330 Voyager tanker aircraft AIR TO AIR RAF Tornado aircraft flying alongside the tanker EXT AIR TO AIR RA Tornado connecting with the tanker aircraft to refuel INT AIRCRAFT Reporter to camera SOT PAN RAF Tornado aircraft seen refuelling through window CYPRUS: RAF Akrotiri: EXT Air crew around RAF Tornado as pilot walks towards RAF Tornado in hangar as cockpit canopy closes INT Various of RAF servicemen sitting at computer and analysing images filmed by RAF Tornado during sortie Anonymous RAF serviceman interview SOT - Talks of acting on intelligence about an active Islamic State (ISIS) (ISIL) mortar position CUTAWAYS RAF air strike seen displayed on computer screen
RAF air crews strike at Islamic State targets from RAF Akrotiri; CYPRUS: RAF Akrotiri: EXT RAF Tornado aircraft taking part in Operation Shader taxiing RAF Tornado aircraft along runway for take-off RAF Tornado bomber taking off Air Commodore Martin Sampson (UK Air Component Commander) interview SOT - Have everything we need for our mission Sign "Danger. Aircraft Armed" as pilots walk past INT HANGAR Pilots and ground crew around RAF Tornado aircraft Bomb attached to aircraft with OUT OF FOCUS pilot in background Pilot putting on flight helmet Pilot climbing into cockpit silhouetted against the sky Expeditionary air wing pilot anonymous interview SOT - They are an absolutely brutal enemy INT Various of members of air crew putting on kit before flight Handgun on table Various of RAF air crew being briefed before mission over Iraq EXT RAF A330 Voyager air tanker taking off IN THE AIR: INT AIRCRAFT Crew sitting in cockpit of A330 Voyager tanker aircraft AIR TO AIR RAF Tornado aircraft flying alongside the tanker EXT AIR TO AIR RA Tornado connecting with the tanker aircraft to refuel INT AIRCRAFT Reporter to camera SOT PAN RAF Tornado aircraft seen refuelling through window CYPRUS: RAF Akrotiri: EXT Air crew around RAF Tornado as pilot walks towards RAF Tornado in hangar as cockpit canopy closes INT Various of RAF servicemen sitting at computer and analysing images filmed by RAF Tornado during sortie Anonymous RAF serviceman interview SOT - Talks of acting on intelligence about an active Islamic State (ISIS) (ISIL) mortar position CUTAWAYS RAF air strike seen displayed on computer screen

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ID Editorial:
Data da criação:
23 de outubro de 2015
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QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
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1080 25i
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