Amanda Telfer Mayfair window death: trial of four people begins at Old Bailey

Amanda Telfer Mayfair window death: trial of four people begins at Old Bailey; Amanda Telfer Mayfair window death: trial of four people begins at Old Bailey; TX 5.9.2012 / T05091243 Hanover Square: Various of flowers and tributes left at scene where lawyer Amanda Telfer was killed by a half tonne wooden window frame that fell onto her/ TX 30.08.2012 / T30081203 Window frame that killed Telfer laying on the pavement Forensics tent at scene Investigator photographing window frame
Amanda Telfer Mayfair window death: trial of four people begins at Old Bailey; Amanda Telfer Mayfair window death: trial of four people begins at Old Bailey; TX 5.9.2012 / T05091243 Hanover Square: Various of flowers and tributes left at scene where lawyer Amanda Telfer was killed by a half tonne wooden window frame that fell onto her/ TX 30.08.2012 / T30081203 Window frame that killed Telfer laying on the pavement Forensics tent at scene Investigator photographing window frame

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ID Editorial:
Data da criação:
06 de fevereiro de 2017
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Direitos prontos
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Duração do clipe:
United Kingdom
Masterizado em:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
Filmado originalmente em:
1080 25i
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