British sailor killed in Round the World yacht race

British sailor killed in Round the World yacht race; Location Unknown: INT Sir Robin Knox-Johnston (Clipper Round the World race founder) speaking via the Internet SOT - feeling a bit devastated / we've done this race for 20 years, this is our 10th version, never had a fatality before so we're all very upset by it / thoughts go to Andrew's family and fellow crew members who must be in shock
British sailor killed in Round the World yacht race; Location Unknown: INT Sir Robin Knox-Johnston (Clipper Round the World race founder) speaking via the Internet SOT - feeling a bit devastated / we've done this race for 20 years, this is our 10th version, never had a fatality before so we're all very upset by it / thoughts go to Andrew's family and fellow crew members who must be in shock

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Data da criação:
05 de setembro de 2015
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Direitos prontos
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Masterizado em:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
Filmado originalmente em:
1080 25i
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