Chimp Behind Wheel of Car - Vídeo de acervo

chimpanzee wearing human clothes, derby hat, striped overalls, white dress shirt while seated behind wheel of early convertible automobile parked on rural farm, wood frame house in BG; chimp fiddles with steering wheel, delivers a mighty hoot, almost as though yelling
chimpanzee wearing human clothes, derby hat, striped overalls, white dress shirt while seated behind wheel of early convertible automobile parked on rural farm, wood frame house in BG; chimp fiddles with steering wheel, delivers a mighty hoot, almost as though yelling

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ID Criativo:
Tipo de licença:
Direitos prontos
Archive Films: Creative
Tamanho máximo do arquivo:
720 x 486 px - 22 MB
Duração do clipe:
Data do upload:
United States
Destinado a:
Uso editorial
Info sobre autorização:
Sem autorização
Masterizado em:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p