Cheering German Sudetenland people welcome German troops into Eger, Czechoslovakia
VS civilian men knock down barrier and border checkpoint pole / border gate rises and people give Nazi salute to Germans riding horses into Eger / women throw flowers at Nazi troops / VS crowd of all ages wave and give Nazi salute as vehicles roll through town / MS line of Nazi motorcycles and side cars drive away from camera / Low angle young girls wave bouquets / VS armored cars, motorcycles with side cars and other vehicles roll through town with cheering crowds on streets / POV from vehicle of cheering crowds / VS people giving Nazi salute and girl holding Nazi flag / Nazis on motorcycles in town square, other vehicles in bkgd / MS woman hands flowers to soldiers / CU young Nazi soldier tucks flowers into piece of equipment / CU woman walk around with basket of bread passing it out to soldiers / MS soldier with a flower over each breast / MS bldg with sign in fgd "Zoll Clo" / CU "Zoll Clo" sign / CU sign on stone wall "Odddeleni Financni Straze Finanzwach-Abteilung" / MS bldg with lettering Gasthaus zur Grenze" / Pan to banner Garthof Suralten Reichsgrenze" / More soldiers riding into town and cheering crowds / block signs on road "Lin Volk", "Ein Reich" / POVs from vehicle as it drives into town through cheering crowd and passing out small Nazi flags on sticks / High angle troops marching through crowd as band plays / Pan down clock tower in town square with Nazi banner hanging from bldg and swastika in lights on balcony / hundreds of troops marching through city / Nazi standard bearers goose-stepping through street, band in bkgd / MS troops goose-stepping and looking sideways, one smiling / MS bldg with swastikas and people on balconies cheering / more Nazi troops, Nazi salutes and flower throwing

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ID Editorial:
Sherman Grinberg Library
Data da criação:
03 de outubro de 1938
Data do upload:
Tipo de licença:
Direitos prontos
Info sobre autorização:
Sem autorização Mais informações
Duração do clipe:
Eger, Czech Republic
Masterizado em:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 23.98p
Filmado originalmente em:
35mm B/W Neg
Sherman Grinberg Library
Nome do objeto:
- República Tcheca,
- Nazismo,
- Criança,
- Meio de Transporte,
- 1930-1939,
- Abundância,
- Acenar,
- Adulto,
- Andar,
- Animar,
- Arremessar,
- Bandeira,
- Bandeira Nazista,
- Barricada - Divisa,
- Bouquet,
- Carro,
- Cavalo - Família do cavalo,
- Cesto,
- Cidade,
- Cidade pequena,
- Civil,
- Conflito,
- Controle de Passaporte,
- Crise,
- Cruz suástica do nazismo,
- Dar,
- Dirigir,
- Documentário cinematográfico,
- Eger,
- Estrada,
- Exército,
- Exército Alemão,
- Faixa - Sinal,
- Fascismo,
- Filme - Imagem em Movimento,
- Filme de arquivo,
- Flor,
- Formato bruto,
- Formato de Alta Definição,
- Forças armadas,
- Fronteira,
- Grupo de entretenimento,
- Homens,
- Língua alemã,
- Marchar,
- Menina,
- Montar,
- Motocicleta,
- Motociclista,
- Mulheres,
- Multidão,
- Mão,
- Norte-Europeu,
- Olhar,
- Passo de ganso,
- Pendurar,
- Pequeno,
- Pessoas,
- Política,
- Política e governo,
- Preto e branco,
- Pão,
- Relógio,
- Rotina,
- Rua,
- Sacada,
- Saudar,
- Saudação nazi,
- Seio,
- Sidecar,
- Sinal,
- Soldado - Exército,
- Sorrindo,
- Sudetenland,
- Tempo Real,
- Texto,
- Torre - Estrutura construída,
- Torre de relógio,
- Veículo blindado,
- Vista Lateral,
- Áudio disponível online,
- Ângulo,