CBI Conference: David Cameron speech

CBI Conference: David Cameron speech; David Cameron MP speech SOT - Let me take each in turn / First, providing a competitive environment for private sector growth / Successful, high-growth economies are like ecosystems - they are organic, evolve through trial and error and depend on millions, billions, of individual preferences, choices and relationships / Governments can expect to intelligently design all this as much they can expect to intelligently design the Great Barrier Reef / But what they can do is create an environment in which businesses are confident enough to invest / Today, British businesses are rebuilding their balance sheets because they have relatively strong profit and loss accounts / In the first six months of this year, they ran a financial surplus worth almost five percent of GDP / If we are to get back to strong growth, these profits need to turn into productive investment - and my message to you today is that we are providing the stability for that investment. - In five years time, we will have balanced the books / The sharp tax rises and huge interest rates you feared, the uncertainty you felt - these are things you no longer need to worry about / With our Budget in June and the Comprehensive Spending Review last week, we took Britain out of the danger zone / The world has responded / Britain's borrowing costs have dropped to the lowest for a generation / And the IMF and OECD, you, the CBI, and the thirty-five business leaders who wrote to the Daily Telegraph last week have backed the approach we have taken in tackling the deficit. - Within five years, we will have cut corporation tax from twenty-eight percent to twenty-four percent our education reforms and new apprenticeships will have started to expand our skills base and our new one-in, one-out rule for regulation will have stopped the rise of domestic red tape / Add to these our cut in the small business profits rate and the fact we have waived national insurance contributi...
CBI Conference: David Cameron speech; David Cameron MP speech SOT - Let me take each in turn / First, providing a competitive environment for private sector growth / Successful, high-growth economies are like ecosystems - they are organic, evolve through trial and error and depend on millions, billions, of individual preferences, choices and relationships / Governments can expect to intelligently design all this as much they can expect to intelligently design the Great Barrier Reef / But what they can do is create an environment in which businesses are confident enough to invest / Today, British businesses are rebuilding their balance sheets because they have relatively strong profit and loss accounts / In the first six months of this year, they ran a financial surplus worth almost five percent of GDP / If we are to get back to strong growth, these profits need to turn into productive investment - and my message to you today is that we are providing the stability for that investment. - In five years time, we will have balanced the books / The sharp tax rises and huge interest rates you feared, the uncertainty you felt - these are things you no longer need to worry about / With our Budget in June and the Comprehensive Spending Review last week, we took Britain out of the danger zone / The world has responded / Britain's borrowing costs have dropped to the lowest for a generation / And the IMF and OECD, you, the CBI, and the thirty-five business leaders who wrote to the Daily Telegraph last week have backed the approach we have taken in tackling the deficit. - Within five years, we will have cut corporation tax from twenty-eight percent to twenty-four percent our education reforms and new apprenticeships will have started to expand our skills base and our new one-in, one-out rule for regulation will have stopped the rise of domestic red tape / Add to these our cut in the small business profits rate and the fact we have waived national insurance contributi...

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Data da criação:
25 de outubro de 2010
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