Delay in publishing Chilcot report: day's reactions

Delay in publishing Chilcot report: day's reactions; SWITZERLAND: Davos: EXT / SNOW Tony Blair (former PM) out of car on arrival at World Economic Forum Blair along, surrounded by press as asked by reporter NATSOT if voters have a right to know the contents of the report before the general election - he answers SOT - I've put out a statement, so you can go and read the statement PAN reporters asking questions about Chilcot report as he gets into car and he repeats 'I've just told you, I've put out a statement so go and read that' SOT FREEZE FRAME
Delay in publishing Chilcot report: day's reactions; SWITZERLAND: Davos: EXT / SNOW Tony Blair (former PM) out of car on arrival at World Economic Forum Blair along, surrounded by press as asked by reporter NATSOT if voters have a right to know the contents of the report before the general election - he answers SOT - I've put out a statement, so you can go and read the statement PAN reporters asking questions about Chilcot report as he gets into car and he repeats 'I've just told you, I've put out a statement so go and read that' SOT FREEZE FRAME

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Data da criação:
21 de janeiro de 2015
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United Kingdom
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