General Election 2015: Campaigning in Hampstead and Kilburn: UKIP interview

General Election 2015: Campaigning in Hampstead and Kilburn: UKIP interview; ENGLAND: London: Hampstead: EXT Magnus Nielsen (UKIP candidate for Hampstead and Kilburn) interview SOT - Going to be a very tight race / Mansion Tax has come up frequently in the hustings / UKIP policy is to put penal level of taxes on unoccupied property / reacts to Boris Johnson and Ed Balls campaigning in the constitution / want to attract Labour voters / UKIP will have a great difficulty in this constituency and Greater London in general General views of housing / General views of Kilburn Grange Park
General Election 2015: Campaigning in Hampstead and Kilburn: UKIP interview; ENGLAND: London: Hampstead: EXT Magnus Nielsen (UKIP candidate for Hampstead and Kilburn) interview SOT - Going to be a very tight race / Mansion Tax has come up frequently in the hustings / UKIP policy is to put penal level of taxes on unoccupied property / reacts to Boris Johnson and Ed Balls campaigning in the constitution / want to attract Labour voters / UKIP will have a great difficulty in this constituency and Greater London in general General views of housing / General views of Kilburn Grange Park

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ID Editorial:
Data da criação:
01 de maio de 2015
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Direitos prontos
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Duração do clipe:
United Kingdom
Masterizado em:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
Filmado originalmente em:
1080 25i
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