General Elections Polling Day

General Elections Polling Day; ITN ENGLAND: Somerset: Yeovil: LMS Paddy Ashdown (Lib Dem Leader) and wife Jane and dog towards across field GV Press gathered PAN R-L Ashdown and wife pose outside polling station CMS Both Cambs: Huntingdon: John Major (PM) and wife Norma out of car and along towards polling station (2 shots) MS Major and wife out of polling station with son James Co Durham: Sedgefield: Trimdon: MS Tony Blair (Labour Ldr) wife Cherie and children Euan, Nicky and Kathryn out of polling station and pose for press: SIDE Ditto Tony Blair pointing to family where to look for photos OFF SCOTLAND: LMS & TLMS Orkney ferry along (taking people to vote) WALES: Woman on horseback along BV Same woman into smallest polling station: ENGLAND: Bristol: GV Tent polling station as people enter SW England: People along and into monastery polling station PAN R-L: Int: BV Couple away thru monastery: London: CMS & MS Policeman on duty in polling station: Westminster: Ext: Campaign 'chicken' 'cow' and 'rhino' along on green (encouraging young people to vote): MS Cameramen filming: CMS Chicken's face:
General Elections Polling Day; ITN ENGLAND: Somerset: Yeovil: LMS Paddy Ashdown (Lib Dem Leader) and wife Jane and dog towards across field GV Press gathered PAN R-L Ashdown and wife pose outside polling station CMS Both Cambs: Huntingdon: John Major (PM) and wife Norma out of car and along towards polling station (2 shots) MS Major and wife out of polling station with son James Co Durham: Sedgefield: Trimdon: MS Tony Blair (Labour Ldr) wife Cherie and children Euan, Nicky and Kathryn out of polling station and pose for press: SIDE Ditto Tony Blair pointing to family where to look for photos OFF SCOTLAND: LMS & TLMS Orkney ferry along (taking people to vote) WALES: Woman on horseback along BV Same woman into smallest polling station: ENGLAND: Bristol: GV Tent polling station as people enter SW England: People along and into monastery polling station PAN R-L: Int: BV Couple away thru monastery: London: CMS & MS Policeman on duty in polling station: Westminster: Ext: Campaign 'chicken' 'cow' and 'rhino' along on green (encouraging young people to vote): MS Cameramen filming: CMS Chicken's face:

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ID Editorial:
Data da criação:
01 de maio de 1997
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Duração do clipe:
United Kingdom
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
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576 25i
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