Food: Horse meat crisis: Intv with Owen Paterson, Environment Minister

Food: Horse meat crisis: Intv with Owen Paterson, Environment Minister; Owen Paterson MP (Environment Minister) interview SOT re reaction to FSA findings? - It is wholly unacceptable that a consumer should have a product labelled as beef which contains horse - Consumers will be interested that full meaning results have come in - Vast majority of products are clear of horse DNA -Up to food businesses to push on and get testing completed and get results re: Where else in our public services might our horse meat be? - latest news shows how important these tests are - still a number of products to be tested - I made it clear with retailers in my meeting last week that that any food business has unwelcome news should make it aware to the FSA - If product was tested correctly, that product should be withdrawn re: Latest on investigations in Wales and Yorkshire? - It shows we are carrying out rigorous investigations and I cannot comment on any criminal activity re: What's your assessment of how you've dealt with it? - My instructions to the food businesses to get out there and test their products by this Friday has come up with evidence that will help the consumer - Unacceptable for the consumer to have a product labelled as beef which contains horse - We're absolutely right to call for testing and right this programme should be completed by next week re: Shouldn't your focus from the start have been on identitfying where horse meat might be in the food chain? - Today is about the meaningful results -Earlier this week, I was with fellow ministers at the European level - It was the UK FSA which got the information first to europol re: Before, you said you'd eat beef lasagna, if you were in hospital tonight would you eat it? - The independent food organisation on food safety - as far as I'm conderned I'd eat anything offered to me GVs of Paterson with reporter (Geraint Vincent)
Food: Horse meat crisis: Intv with Owen Paterson, Environment Minister; Owen Paterson MP (Environment Minister) interview SOT re reaction to FSA findings? - It is wholly unacceptable that a consumer should have a product labelled as beef which contains horse - Consumers will be interested that full meaning results have come in - Vast majority of products are clear of horse DNA -Up to food businesses to push on and get testing completed and get results re: Where else in our public services might our horse meat be? - latest news shows how important these tests are - still a number of products to be tested - I made it clear with retailers in my meeting last week that that any food business has unwelcome news should make it aware to the FSA - If product was tested correctly, that product should be withdrawn re: Latest on investigations in Wales and Yorkshire? - It shows we are carrying out rigorous investigations and I cannot comment on any criminal activity re: What's your assessment of how you've dealt with it? - My instructions to the food businesses to get out there and test their products by this Friday has come up with evidence that will help the consumer - Unacceptable for the consumer to have a product labelled as beef which contains horse - We're absolutely right to call for testing and right this programme should be completed by next week re: Shouldn't your focus from the start have been on identitfying where horse meat might be in the food chain? - Today is about the meaningful results -Earlier this week, I was with fellow ministers at the European level - It was the UK FSA which got the information first to europol re: Before, you said you'd eat beef lasagna, if you were in hospital tonight would you eat it? - The independent food organisation on food safety - as far as I'm conderned I'd eat anything offered to me GVs of Paterson with reporter (Geraint Vincent)

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Data da criação:
15 de fevereiro de 2013
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