Senator Grassley criticizes Jim Comey over Clinton investigation

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley says former FBI Director Jim Comey said his people did not give a rip about politics former FBI director Jim Comey said his people did not give a rip about politics but that was clearly not true since five top individuals involved with the very high profile investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails need to be held accountable, no place for arrogance display in text messages of Peter Strzok, political timing and calculations of Comey or subordinates openly discussing the enormous pressure to close the Clinton email investigation before the 2016 political conventions, concluding the FBI needs to stay out of politics, submit to oversight and no one is independent of accountability.
Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley says former FBI Director Jim Comey said his people did not give a rip about politics former FBI director Jim Comey said his people did not give a rip about politics but that was clearly not true since five top individuals involved with the very high profile investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails need to be held accountable, no place for arrogance display in text messages of Peter Strzok, political timing and calculations of Comey or subordinates openly discussing the enormous pressure to close the Clinton email investigation before the 2016 political conventions, concluding the FBI needs to stay out of politics, submit to oversight and no one is independent of accountability.

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ID Editorial:
Data da criação:
12 de julho de 2018
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Washington, DC, United States
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