: Brexit: Ireland will veto trade talks if there is a hard border with the north

: Brexit: Ireland will veto trade talks if there is a hard border with the north; IRELAND / NORTHERN IRELAND BORDER: EXT Various of remains of customs post as traffic passes Old caravan in field 'New Dawn' name on caravan IRELAND: Monaghan: Gallinagh: Combilift: INT Fork-lift truck working inside factory that makes bespoke fork-lift trucks Welder at work Worker fitting seat to fork-lift truck Various views of production line Fork-lift truck moving components inside warehouse Anthony Rooney (Sales Director, Combilift) interview SOT CUTAWAY Fork-lift truck working in warehouse IRELAND / NORTHERN IRELAND BORDER: EXT Road through countryside at the border Cows in field Road and fields on the border View over countryside towards the spire of St Macartan's Cathedral in Monaghan, silhouetted against the sky Cows in field Countryside NORTHERN IRELAND: INT Reporter sat in office with William Irwin MLA (Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), Newry and Armagh) William Irwin MLA (Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), Newry and Armagh) interview SOT CUTAWAY Reporter IRELAND / NORTHERN IRELAND BORDER: EXT Reporter to camera SOT IRELAND: Monaghan: Various of lorries along at LacPatrick dairy Lorry seen reflected in puddle Reporter and Gabriel D'Arcy (CEO, LacPatrick Dairy) seen reflected in puddle Gabriel D'Arcy (CEO, LacPatrick Dairy) interview SOT CUTAWAYS Lorry along D'Arcy and reporter IRELAND / NORTHERN IRELAND BORDER: Various of views over countryside as sun sets
: Brexit: Ireland will veto trade talks if there is a hard border with the north; IRELAND / NORTHERN IRELAND BORDER: EXT Various of remains of customs post as traffic passes Old caravan in field 'New Dawn' name on caravan IRELAND: Monaghan: Gallinagh: Combilift: INT Fork-lift truck working inside factory that makes bespoke fork-lift trucks Welder at work Worker fitting seat to fork-lift truck Various views of production line Fork-lift truck moving components inside warehouse Anthony Rooney (Sales Director, Combilift) interview SOT CUTAWAY Fork-lift truck working in warehouse IRELAND / NORTHERN IRELAND BORDER: EXT Road through countryside at the border Cows in field Road and fields on the border View over countryside towards the spire of St Macartan's Cathedral in Monaghan, silhouetted against the sky Cows in field Countryside NORTHERN IRELAND: INT Reporter sat in office with William Irwin MLA (Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), Newry and Armagh) William Irwin MLA (Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), Newry and Armagh) interview SOT CUTAWAY Reporter IRELAND / NORTHERN IRELAND BORDER: EXT Reporter to camera SOT IRELAND: Monaghan: Various of lorries along at LacPatrick dairy Lorry seen reflected in puddle Reporter and Gabriel D'Arcy (CEO, LacPatrick Dairy) seen reflected in puddle Gabriel D'Arcy (CEO, LacPatrick Dairy) interview SOT CUTAWAYS Lorry along D'Arcy and reporter IRELAND / NORTHERN IRELAND BORDER: Various of views over countryside as sun sets

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Data da criação:
30 de novembro de 2017
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QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
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1080 25i
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