David Cameron visit: meeting President Karzai in Kabul and British troops at Camp Bastion

David Cameron visit: meeting President Karzai in Kabul and British troops at Camp Bastion; Helmand Province: Camp Bastion: Cameron and military Commander along at airfield / Cameron shaking hands with British soldiers and boarding plane INT PLANE Cameron chatting with troops inside plane SOT EXT Cameron departing plane and across tarmac with soldier / 'Welcome to Bastion Airfield' sign on watchtower / Cameron along and through doorway into tent / Cameron shaking hands with Gulab Mangal (Governor of Helmand) INT Various of Cameron and Gulab Mangal sitting and chatting SOT
David Cameron visit: meeting President Karzai in Kabul and British troops at Camp Bastion; Helmand Province: Camp Bastion: Cameron and military Commander along at airfield / Cameron shaking hands with British soldiers and boarding plane INT PLANE Cameron chatting with troops inside plane SOT EXT Cameron departing plane and across tarmac with soldier / 'Welcome to Bastion Airfield' sign on watchtower / Cameron along and through doorway into tent / Cameron shaking hands with Gulab Mangal (Governor of Helmand) INT Various of Cameron and Gulab Mangal sitting and chatting SOT

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Data da criação:
07 de dezembro de 2010
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
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576 25i
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