NHS needs to recover from record waitlists before winter

NHS needs to recover from record waitlists before winter; ENGLAND: INT Various Millie Staal (Patient) and other in hospital Millie Staal (Patient) interview SOT Cutaways Staal with medical staff GVs hospital treatment areas and corridors Building site seen form window EXT Dr Jon Baker (Chief Medical Officer, London North West University Trust) interview SOT INT GVs of hospital and medical staff EXT Reporter to camera SOT INT Various medical staff and ambulance Dr Chris Nordstrom (A and E Consultant, Northwick Park Hospital) interview SOT Various medical staff in hospital Pippa Nightingale (CEO, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust) interview SOT Emergency room doors Medical staff Emergency room doos
NHS needs to recover from record waitlists before winter; ENGLAND: INT Various Millie Staal (Patient) and other in hospital Millie Staal (Patient) interview SOT Cutaways Staal with medical staff GVs hospital treatment areas and corridors Building site seen form window EXT Dr Jon Baker (Chief Medical Officer, London North West University Trust) interview SOT INT GVs of hospital and medical staff EXT Reporter to camera SOT INT Various medical staff and ambulance Dr Chris Nordstrom (A and E Consultant, Northwick Park Hospital) interview SOT Various medical staff in hospital Pippa Nightingale (CEO, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust) interview SOT Emergency room doors Medical staff Emergency room doos

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ID Editorial:
Data da criação:
27 de julho de 2023
Data do upload:
Tipo de licença:
Direitos prontos
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Duração do clipe:
United Kingdom
Masterizado em:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
Filmado originalmente em:
1080 25i
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