Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela; SOUTH AFRICA: Kwazulu Umkozane:
CMS Inkatha members (Zulu movement) in war costume with spears and shields and chanting SOF
CMS Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi (Gatsha Buthelezi - Zulu tribal chief) in full war dress along and shakes members
MS Inkatha women holding ANC - coloured flag with Inkatha slogan
CMS Gatsha Buthelzi making impassioned speech
MS Buthelezi at rostrum as press & others in f/g
CMS Chief Gatsha Buthelezi (Inkatha) interview SOF
- says that Mandela will be a force for reconciliation between black communities/ regards Mandela as a colleague, & would work happily under him SOF
CMS Hanna
Johannesburg / Soweto: Blue Fountain Night Club:
TCMS Fountain PULL OUT & TILT UP black people seated at tables
TCMS Black couple drinking cocktails
CMS SIDE Bar staff at work
TGV Night club
CMS People seated around table chatting
TBV Hanna seated at table chatting black people
CMS Vox Pops black nightclubbers SOF
- release of Mandela will unite all the groups in the country/ Mandela will be too old when released to participate fully in the restructuring SOF
Paarl: Victor Verster Prison:
MS Mandela family along after visit as joined by singing supporters SOF
BV Black policemen watching
TMS Crowd of press and others around Winnie Mandela as along
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ID Editorial:
Data da criação:
18 de julho de 1989
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