SOUTH AFRICA / POLITICS: Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Bishop Desmund Tutu

SOUTH AFRICA / POLITICS: Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Bishop Desmund Tutu; ITN SOUTH AFRICA: Johannesburg: Jan Smuts Airport MS A priest and other reception committee members chanting and dancing as await Bishop Tutu's arrival PAN L-R women from SA Council of Churches dancing CMS Dr Allan Boesak, United Democratic Front and head of Tutu's reception committee CMS DR ALLAN BOESAK:intvw:SOF: "By giving -- of South Africans" CMS Bishop Desmond Tutu singing with reception committee ANGLEV Tutu singing CMS Hand made sign 'Welcome Baba' PAN to Tutu towards CS BISHOP TUTU:intvw:SOF: "You can see -- is on our side" ANGLEV Tutu embraces small child as surrounded by press GV Tutu dancing and singing with friends as surrounded by press ZOOM IN Tutu's face SOUTH AFRICA: SACC HQ MS Tutu embraced by friends MS Tutu seated at table with friends as presented with flowers ZOOM IN as Tutu embraces woman ANGLEV DR BEYERS NAUDE (Former Director, Christian Institute):speech to Tutu:SOF: "We thank God -- CMS Woman listening CMS Tutu listening, both looking emotional -- your people (have achieved ?/unintelligable)" PAN Tutu and Naude shake
SOUTH AFRICA / POLITICS: Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Bishop Desmund Tutu; ITN SOUTH AFRICA: Johannesburg: Jan Smuts Airport MS A priest and other reception committee members chanting and dancing as await Bishop Tutu's arrival PAN L-R women from SA Council of Churches dancing CMS Dr Allan Boesak, United Democratic Front and head of Tutu's reception committee CMS DR ALLAN BOESAK:intvw:SOF: "By giving -- of South Africans" CMS Bishop Desmond Tutu singing with reception committee ANGLEV Tutu singing CMS Hand made sign 'Welcome Baba' PAN to Tutu towards CS BISHOP TUTU:intvw:SOF: "You can see -- is on our side" ANGLEV Tutu embraces small child as surrounded by press GV Tutu dancing and singing with friends as surrounded by press ZOOM IN Tutu's face SOUTH AFRICA: SACC HQ MS Tutu embraced by friends MS Tutu seated at table with friends as presented with flowers ZOOM IN as Tutu embraces woman ANGLEV DR BEYERS NAUDE (Former Director, Christian Institute):speech to Tutu:SOF: "We thank God -- CMS Woman listening CMS Tutu listening, both looking emotional -- your people (have achieved ?/unintelligable)" PAN Tutu and Naude shake

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ID Editorial:
Data da criação:
18 de outubro de 1984
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Duração do clipe:
South Africa
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
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576 25i
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