Princess of Wales death: The Queen's tribute
Princess of Wales death: The Queen's tribute; People watching broadcast
Vox Pops reactions to broadcast
SCOTLAND: Balmoral:
Prince of Wales driving car containing Princes William and Harry away from castle to take plane to fly to London, with another car following behind
Motorcade carrying Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip and Princess Margaret to airport
Aberdeen airport:
Prince William and Prince Harry boarding aircraft and aircraft taking off
ENGLAND: London: Kensington Palace:
Prince Charles, prince William and Prince Harry looking at mass of floral tributes outside Palace
Prince Charles and sons along as crowd applauds
Prince Charles and Princes William and Harry towards crowd, taking flowers and along line of people shaking hands
Vox Pops
Motorcade bringing Queen to Buckingham Palace along
TILT UP Palace
Buckingham Palace:
Motorcade along and halting at gates and Queen and Prince
Philip out and looking at flowers and talking with crowd
Prince Philip places flowers with others piled around railings
TGV Flowers piled around railings of palace
Royal Standard raised over palace
St James Palace:
Royal cars along by palace
Queen in room where people are signing Books of Condolence
Queen talking to people in queue
Queen and Prince Philip along
Man gives Queen single rose
Queen talking with people
Vox Pops
View along Mall towards Buckingham Palace

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ID Editorial:
Data da criação:
05 de setembro de 1997
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