Senator Whitehouse says conservatives, corporate attacks on ESG always environmental factor
Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse says in floor remarks hours before a vote to adopt a joint resolution to stop a Labor Department providing that fiduciaries consider environmental, social and corporate governance that when examining the objections to ESG, specifically the E for environmentalism, it becomes clear that it is always the issue of emissions that is being protested, indicating that fossil fuel funded organizations are behind the pushback, such as the Republican attorney general's Association, the Republican state treasurer's, and the state financial officers Foundation, as well as state boards like the Texas Railroad Commission, which are heavily involved with the fossil fuel industry, and as a result, he believes that the reason for this is due to the long forecasted dangers of climate change, which have now become so real and immediate that they have hit the due diligence horizon for big banks, investment companies, and other fiduciaries, who are now obligated to tell the truth about the risks associated with climate change, leading to the fossil fuel industry, which is accustomed to using bullying tactics to get its way, to push a fake and anti ESG effort to try to undo what the free market, real life, facts, and fiduciary obligations are causing other industries to deal with.

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Data da criação:
01 de março de 2023
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Washington, DC, United States
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Nome do objeto:
- Ação Climática,
- Bolsa de valores e ações,
- Combustível fóssil,
- Congresso americano,
- Consultor Financeiro,
- Contemplação,
- Democracia,
- Departamento de Trabalho,
- EUA,
- Empurrar,
- Equipamento de informação,
- Esforço,
- Estilo de vida sustentável,
- Estratégia,
- Examinar,
- Falso,
- Filme - Imagem em Movimento,
- Finanças,
- Finanças e economia,
- Formato bruto,
- Formato de Alta Definição,
- Governança Corporativa,
- Grande,
- Horizonte,
- Ideia,
- Imagem a cores,
- Indústria,
- Intimidar,
- Investimento,
- Justiça social,
- Legislação,
- Lixadeira,
- Meio ambiente,
- Mudanças climáticas,
- Negócio empresarial,
- Negócios,
- Negócios Finanças e Indústria,
- Objeção - Lei,
- Partido Republicano Americano,
- Perigo,
- Persistência,
- Política,
- Política e governo,
- Preservação ambiental,
- Procurador-geral,
- Protesto,
- Questão social,
- Regras,
- Responsabilidade,
- Risco,
- Senado - Congresso americano,
- Sheldon Whitehouse,
- Tempo,
- Tempo Real,
- Votar,
- Áudio disponível online,