Rio 2016 Paralympic Games: Great Britain Para Cyclists prepare

Rio 2016 Paralympic Games: Great Britain Para Cyclists prepare; ENGLAND: Derby: Derby Arena: INT Various of Great Britain Para Cyclists around track in velodrome during training Location unknown: Jon Allan Butterworth (Para Cyclist), who lost an arm fighting in Iraq Butterworth sat with reporter Jon Allan Butterworth (Para Cyclist) interview SOT Dame Sarah Storey (Para Cyclist) onto stage at British Paralympic Association event Reporter sat with Storey Hands of Storey Reporter sat with Storey Dame Sarah Storey (Para Cyclist) interview SOT Derby: Derby Arena: Reporter to camera SOT Members of the Great Britain Para Cycling squad at velodrome
Rio 2016 Paralympic Games: Great Britain Para Cyclists prepare; ENGLAND: Derby: Derby Arena: INT Various of Great Britain Para Cyclists around track in velodrome during training Location unknown: Jon Allan Butterworth (Para Cyclist), who lost an arm fighting in Iraq Butterworth sat with reporter Jon Allan Butterworth (Para Cyclist) interview SOT Dame Sarah Storey (Para Cyclist) onto stage at British Paralympic Association event Reporter sat with Storey Hands of Storey Reporter sat with Storey Dame Sarah Storey (Para Cyclist) interview SOT Derby: Derby Arena: Reporter to camera SOT Members of the Great Britain Para Cycling squad at velodrome

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ID Editorial:
Data da criação:
19 de junho de 2016
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Tipo de licença:
Direitos prontos
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Duração do clipe:
United Kingdom
Masterizado em:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
Filmado originalmente em:
1080 25i
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