Senator McConnell floor remarks on reforming health care law

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky says that seven years earlier, Senate Democrats forced Obamacare on the American people, that it never actually lived up to its promises, that residence in two more counties in Washington state learned there will be zero insurance options, that millions in nearly half the counties across America are at risk of having no options or a single option, citing a CMS report showing that hundreds of thousands of Americans who selected an obamacare plan ended up canceling their coverage after just a few weeks, that Democrats are defending the status quo and shifting blame for failures of the law and that there is just no serious way to try and spin years of Obamacare failures.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky says that seven years earlier, Senate Democrats forced Obamacare on the American people, that it never actually lived up to its promises, that residence in two more counties in Washington state learned there will be zero insurance options, that millions in nearly half the counties across America are at risk of having no options or a single option, citing a CMS report showing that hundreds of thousands of Americans who selected an obamacare plan ended up canceling their coverage after just a few weeks, that Democrats are defending the status quo and shifting blame for failures of the law and that there is just no serious way to try and spin years of Obamacare failures.

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Data da criação:
12 de junho de 2017
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