Sky News: The Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle - Crowds and colour VT

VOICED: Shows exterior shots members of public from round the world in streets of Windsor for the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, waving flags, wearing masks of the couple, hats and crowns, celebrating the big day. Exterior shots people standing on the Long Walk outside the Castle watching the wedding ceremony on big screens and joining in singing Stand By Me. Exterior shots Harry and Meghan in carriage procession along the Long Walk. Voxpops with fans speaking on how Meghan is changing the Royal Family, watching the ceremony and being part of the day. There may have only been 600 people inside St George's Chapel - but one hundred thousand came to Windsor today. They were treated to a speedy - glimpe of the new Duke and Duchess in their carriage and the ceremony itself, shown on big screens.
VOICED: Shows exterior shots members of public from round the world in streets of Windsor for the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, waving flags, wearing masks of the couple, hats and crowns, celebrating the big day. Exterior shots people standing on the Long Walk outside the Castle watching the wedding ceremony on big screens and joining in singing Stand By Me. Exterior shots Harry and Meghan in carriage procession along the Long Walk. Voxpops with fans speaking on how Meghan is changing the Royal Family, watching the ceremony and being part of the day. There may have only been 600 people inside St George's Chapel - but one hundred thousand came to Windsor today. They were treated to a speedy - glimpe of the new Duke and Duchess in their carriage and the ceremony itself, shown on big screens.

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ID Editorial:
Sky News
Data da criação:
19 de maio de 2018
Data do upload:
Tipo de licença:
Direitos prontos
Info sobre autorização:
Sem autorização Mais informações
Duração do clipe:
Windsor, England, United Kingdom
Masterizado em:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 25p
Sky News
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