UK Government apologises for hospital delays

VOICED: Shows interior shots patient's daughter Leah Butler Smith watching video on laptop and interview with her speaking on five hour wait for her mother to be seen by medical professionals as she suffered a stroke and facebook live she did waiting in the ambulance. Interior shots Theresa May touring Frimley Park Hospital, speaking to staff and patients. Interview with UK Prime Minister Theresa May speaking on apologising for delays for patients in hospitals. Interior shots nurses and doctors working in hospital, talking to patients and talking on phone trying to find beds. Interview with A&E Senior Sister Amanda Dean speaking on NHS always have a winter crisis but currently it's very challenging situation. It's a word not often spoken by a Prime Minister, but Theresa May has said "sorry" to the tens of thousands of patients who've had their operations cancelled because of mounting pressure on the NHS. Her apology came as the true scale of the latest problem facing the health service was revealed. Latest figures show that nearly 17 thousand patients were held in ambulances outside A and E for over half an hour in the last week of 2017, on 4th January, 2018 in Surrey, England, UK
VOICED: Shows interior shots patient's daughter Leah Butler Smith watching video on laptop and interview with her speaking on five hour wait for her mother to be seen by medical professionals as she suffered a stroke and facebook live she did waiting in the ambulance. Interior shots Theresa May touring Frimley Park Hospital, speaking to staff and patients. Interview with UK Prime Minister Theresa May speaking on apologising for delays for patients in hospitals. Interior shots nurses and doctors working in hospital, talking to patients and talking on phone trying to find beds. Interview with A&E Senior Sister Amanda Dean speaking on NHS always have a winter crisis but currently it's very challenging situation. It's a word not often spoken by a Prime Minister, but Theresa May has said "sorry" to the tens of thousands of patients who've had their operations cancelled because of mounting pressure on the NHS. Her apology came as the true scale of the latest problem facing the health service was revealed. Latest figures show that nearly 17 thousand patients were held in ambulances outside A and E for over half an hour in the last week of 2017, on 4th January, 2018 in Surrey, England, UK

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ID Editorial:
Sky News
Data da criação:
04 de janeiro de 2018
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London, England, United Kingdom
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Sky News
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