Exclusive Report from Mosul as Iraqi Golden Division Enters Outskirts of City

VOICED: Sky News has accompanied Iraqi Special Forces on the new front-line in the battle for Mosul, as the operation to try and retake the city from Islamic State reaches a new phase. Various of Iraqi soldiers in Mosul, including shots of soldiers holding up captured Islamic State flag, and soldiers taking cover from gunfire. Includes shots of children and families sheltering in mosque and man having his beard shaved after being freed from Islamic State control. Shots of Iraqi convoy of military vehicles and gun battles in progress. Includes footage of civilians walking through streets under white flag.
VOICED: Sky News has accompanied Iraqi Special Forces on the new front-line in the battle for Mosul, as the operation to try and retake the city from Islamic State reaches a new phase. Various of Iraqi soldiers in Mosul, including shots of soldiers holding up captured Islamic State flag, and soldiers taking cover from gunfire. Includes shots of children and families sheltering in mosque and man having his beard shaved after being freed from Islamic State control. Shots of Iraqi convoy of military vehicles and gun battles in progress. Includes footage of civilians walking through streets under white flag.

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ID Editorial:
Sky News
Data da criação:
02 de novembro de 2016
Data do upload:
Tipo de licença:
Direitos prontos
Info sobre autorização:
Sem autorização Mais informações
Duração do clipe:
Mosul, Iraq
Masterizado em:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG HD 1440x1080 25i
Sky News
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