Election campaign: Smear campaign allegations continue / Perot dents Bill Clinton's lead:
Election campaign: Smear campaign allegations continue / Perot dents Bill Clinton's lead:; b)NAT: (Neely,Bill)
USA: Michigan: Detroit:
GV Mass Clinton rally as chanting 'We want Bill' SOF
MS Supporters PULL OUT
LMS Bill Clinton along with aides through crowd
MS Crowd as cheering
LMS Clinton on stage near mikes as waving
CMS Supporters
CMS Bill Clinton (Democratic Candidate) speech SOF
- Want a victory for the American people
TGV Crowd
BV Clinton through crowd as shaking PAN L-R
BV Young woman looking very excited after touching Bill
MS Clinton holding up little boy
GV Mass rock concert PAN R-L
LMS Clinton, Hillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea Clinton on stage as waving
TMS Crowd as waving banners
BV Clinton, Albert Gore (Vice Pres Candidate) and families on stage as applauding and waving
MS Clinton and Gore in crowd as Gore asks SOF
- Who can give me a high five??
MS Clinton along through crowd PULL OUT to Neely i/c SOF
North Carolina:
BV Clinton bus along road TRACK ALONG
CMS Vox pops SOF
BV Clinton spking (unheard)
MS Crowd with banners
LS Clinton on stage after speech ZOOM IN
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ID Editorial:
Data da criação:
26 de outubro de 1992
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