Mozambique Civil War: Story 3:

Mozambique Civil War: Story 3:; MOZAMBIQUE: (?) EXT MS SIDE Frelimo government infantry unit L-R on patrol MS Troops on patrol R-L CMS Leg and foot of soldier TILT UP across clearing MS Troops towards PAN R-L ditto BV Soldier approaching village TILT DOWN to gun he is holding Troops Training MS Troops lying in grass firing SOF MS Troops standing firing PULL BACK soldier in BV taking aim BV Soldier running through long vegetation MS Soldier dressed as enemy firing MS SIDE Soldiers R-L through trees PULL BACK MS Soldier as enemy falling down as if shot BV Troops cheering and waving guns SOF MS Troops L-R cheering and waving guns SOF towards CMS Major General Fondo (in camouflage dress) L-R BV Fondo instructing troops BV Troops in line MS TRACK R-L along troops standing in line Messinga: CMS Arms of two MNR prisoners with hands tied together PULL BACK BV prisoners through door into prison CMS Two faces peering out from behind bars MS Prisoners seen through large wooden doors, doors closing CMS Closed doors LA Soldier standing guard, prisoners with arms raised and handcuffed looking out through bars CMS Prisoner handcuffed looking through bars MS Soldier talking to prisoners at re-orientation camp CMS Bandaged foot TILT UP MNR prisoners clapping and singing SOF CMS Prisoners singing and clapping SOF CMS ABEL CHILENGI (Pardoned MNR Prisoners) INTVW SOF: (Happy to be at camp) "I am a bandit -- longer suffer" Cheliquay Hospital: INT TMS Patients lying in row of beds, Dr Igor Veiz stands over patient CMS Dr Veiz and transfussion bottle hanging over TILT (Phon) DOWN bandaged arm of patient in bed CMS DR IGOR VEIZ (Hospital Doctor) INTVW SOF: (Has seen children killed by knife wounds) "I have treated -- to them" EXT CMS Sack of Australian grain carried on shoulder PULL OUT 4 men carrying sack out to sailing boat LA Men lowering sacks down and carrying out to boat MS Government troops sitting in truck R-L MS Ab...
Mozambique Civil War: Story 3:; MOZAMBIQUE: (?) EXT MS SIDE Frelimo government infantry unit L-R on patrol MS Troops on patrol R-L CMS Leg and foot of soldier TILT UP across clearing MS Troops towards PAN R-L ditto BV Soldier approaching village TILT DOWN to gun he is holding Troops Training MS Troops lying in grass firing SOF MS Troops standing firing PULL BACK soldier in BV taking aim BV Soldier running through long vegetation MS Soldier dressed as enemy firing MS SIDE Soldiers R-L through trees PULL BACK MS Soldier as enemy falling down as if shot BV Troops cheering and waving guns SOF MS Troops L-R cheering and waving guns SOF towards CMS Major General Fondo (in camouflage dress) L-R BV Fondo instructing troops BV Troops in line MS TRACK R-L along troops standing in line Messinga: CMS Arms of two MNR prisoners with hands tied together PULL BACK BV prisoners through door into prison CMS Two faces peering out from behind bars MS Prisoners seen through large wooden doors, doors closing CMS Closed doors LA Soldier standing guard, prisoners with arms raised and handcuffed looking out through bars CMS Prisoner handcuffed looking through bars MS Soldier talking to prisoners at re-orientation camp CMS Bandaged foot TILT UP MNR prisoners clapping and singing SOF CMS Prisoners singing and clapping SOF CMS ABEL CHILENGI (Pardoned MNR Prisoners) INTVW SOF: (Happy to be at camp) "I am a bandit -- longer suffer" Cheliquay Hospital: INT TMS Patients lying in row of beds, Dr Igor Veiz stands over patient CMS Dr Veiz and transfussion bottle hanging over TILT (Phon) DOWN bandaged arm of patient in bed CMS DR IGOR VEIZ (Hospital Doctor) INTVW SOF: (Has seen children killed by knife wounds) "I have treated -- to them" EXT CMS Sack of Australian grain carried on shoulder PULL OUT 4 men carrying sack out to sailing boat LA Men lowering sacks down and carrying out to boat MS Government troops sitting in truck R-L MS Ab...

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Data da criação:
10 de abril de 1987
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