Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard Trial (Day 8) - JOHNNY DEPP - PLAINTIFF - REDIRECT

FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA - APRIL 25: 13:07;13 this is a text from you to dr kipper? yes. why are you apologizing to kipper in this message? i believe that - at that point in my brain and in my life and heart i was completely and utterly frustrated with how i was living in my life and had some disagreement with kipper and i was apologizing to him for having gone against his wishes or against his advice lets say. what did u mean when u say "i chopped off left middle finger as reminder i couldnt cut off right finger again," again its my way of dealing with a painful situation where i resort to humor. so i had lost the tip of my right finger so im saying "ive now cut off left finger to remind me to not cut off right finger," that's not, i mean when u say u got my finger off or this or that, doesn't necessarily mean u did it urself and again, i'm a guitarist and have been since i was 12 and only piece i found in my life at age of 12 where i knew that i could escape into and learn music. 13:10:08 (Footage by Law&Crime via Getty Images)
FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA - APRIL 25: 13:07;13 this is a text from you to dr kipper? yes. why are you apologizing to kipper in this message? i believe that - at that point in my brain and in my life and heart i was completely and utterly frustrated with how i was living in my life and had some disagreement with kipper and i was apologizing to him for having gone against his wishes or against his advice lets say. what did u mean when u say "i chopped off left middle finger as reminder i couldnt cut off right finger again," again its my way of dealing with a painful situation where i resort to humor. so i had lost the tip of my right finger so im saying "ive now cut off left finger to remind me to not cut off right finger," that's not, i mean when u say u got my finger off or this or that, doesn't necessarily mean u did it urself and again, i'm a guitarist and have been since i was 12 and only piece i found in my life at age of 12 where i knew that i could escape into and learn music. 13:10:08 (Footage by Law&Crime via Getty Images)

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ID Editorial:
Law&Crime Network
Data da criação:
25 de abril de 2022
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Tipo de licença:
Direitos prontos
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Duração do clipe:
Fairfax, Virginia, United States
Masterizado em:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 29.97p
Law&Crime Network
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