SOUTH AFRICA/ CRIME: Township violence

SOUTH AFRICA/ CRIME: Township violence; SOUTH AFRICA: Sebokeng NIGHT TMS TRACK FORWARD bodies lying on ground as people standing looking TCMS Crying woman MS Bodies lying in vehicle where they were shot TCMS Women PAN L-R covered body on ground next vehicle CMS Crying woman being comforted BV People standing next body TCMS Large rock rolled along by youths (building road block so as to control area to prevent killings) MS Youths building road block MS Ditto MS Youths surrounding stationary car & motorist MS Group of youths searching car's boot MS Youths look under bonnet DAY nursery school MS Nursery age children jumping up & down playing PAN L-R Ivy Nxumalo (who runs school) looking on CMS Ivy holding child INT 2 SHOT CMS Ivy Nxumalo (Resident) intvwd SOF (holding child) - killers ensure no witnesses survive EXT GV People to & fro migrant workers' hostel MS Man along past others as hostel buildings in b/g MS People sitting outside hostel buildings MS People chatting outside buildings MS Two youths towards on bike wave to camera MS Woman hanging washing on line MS People next veg stall CMS Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Archbishop of Cape Town)along LA MS People looking from balcony TILT DOWN PAN R-L Tutu chatting locals CMS SIDE Tutu chatting CMS Women looking on PAN R-L Tutu in CBV INT CMS Archbishop Desmond Tutu (ArchBp of Cape Town) intvwd SOF - impression is given that blacks can't manage affairs peacefully & that whites are needed to keep law & order 2 SHOT NIGHT township MS Group of police stopping car at road checkpoint TCBV Police searching car's boot PAN R-L black motorist being body searched by white policeman CBV Ditto PAN L-R another INT CMS Col David Bruce (S African Police) intvwd SOF - we had to enforce apartheid laws but we didn't mak...
SOUTH AFRICA/ CRIME: Township violence; SOUTH AFRICA: Sebokeng NIGHT TMS TRACK FORWARD bodies lying on ground as people standing looking TCMS Crying woman MS Bodies lying in vehicle where they were shot TCMS Women PAN L-R covered body on ground next vehicle CMS Crying woman being comforted BV People standing next body TCMS Large rock rolled along by youths (building road block so as to control area to prevent killings) MS Youths building road block MS Ditto MS Youths surrounding stationary car & motorist MS Group of youths searching car's boot MS Youths look under bonnet DAY nursery school MS Nursery age children jumping up & down playing PAN L-R Ivy Nxumalo (who runs school) looking on CMS Ivy holding child INT 2 SHOT CMS Ivy Nxumalo (Resident) intvwd SOF (holding child) - killers ensure no witnesses survive EXT GV People to & fro migrant workers' hostel MS Man along past others as hostel buildings in b/g MS People sitting outside hostel buildings MS People chatting outside buildings MS Two youths towards on bike wave to camera MS Woman hanging washing on line MS People next veg stall CMS Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Archbishop of Cape Town)along LA MS People looking from balcony TILT DOWN PAN R-L Tutu chatting locals CMS SIDE Tutu chatting CMS Women looking on PAN R-L Tutu in CBV INT CMS Archbishop Desmond Tutu (ArchBp of Cape Town) intvwd SOF - impression is given that blacks can't manage affairs peacefully & that whites are needed to keep law & order 2 SHOT NIGHT township MS Group of police stopping car at road checkpoint TCBV Police searching car's boot PAN R-L black motorist being body searched by white policeman CBV Ditto PAN L-R another INT CMS Col David Bruce (S African Police) intvwd SOF - we had to enforce apartheid laws but we didn't mak...

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ID Editorial:
Data da criação:
10 de junho de 1992
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Direitos prontos
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Duração do clipe:
South Africa
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
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576 25i
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