Olivia Troye, who served as a homeland security and counterterrorism adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence, Erin Smith, the widow of DC...
Erin Smith, the widow of DC Metropolitan Police Officer Jeffrey Smith, Capitol Police Sgt Aquilino Gonell, and Sandra Garza, the long-time partner of...
Olivia Troye, who served as a homeland security and counterterrorism adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence, Erin Smith, the widow of DC...
Erin Smith, wife of late US Capitol Police Officer Jeremy Smith, Capitol Police Sergeant Aquilino Gonell, Sandra Garza, partner of late US Capitol...
Capitol Police Sergeant Aquilino Gonell, Metropolitan Police Officer Daniel Hodges, US Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn, and former DC Metro Police...
Kristos Andrews, Gregori J. Martin, Jade Harlow, Frank Stallone, Anthony Aquilino and Derrell Whitt arrive at "The Bay" The Series Daytime Emmy...