vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de wall street & william sign, people standing sidewalk, others walking in street, headlines '...rally at close...bankers optimistic...', broker's... - 192900:22
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de b/w 1929 reenactment high angle wide shot crowd of frenzied stockbrokers on stock exchange floor during crash - 192900:11
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de crowds of people standing outside bank / stock traders at the new york stock exchange board, traders waving papers in air and writing on board / man... - 192900:09
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de 1938 scenes of unemployment from the great depression - 192900:31
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de crowds on wall street after stock market crash / newsreel - 192900:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de stock market traders crowding around market maker in the stock trading pit of the new york stock exchange reenacting the 1929 stock market crash - 192900:05
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de new york stock exchange market crash, wall street, new york, 1929 - 192900:12
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de close up the daily news gazette newspaper headline: stock market crash! - 192900:07
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de flashes on the screen / smoke stacks, closed factories and 'no work' signs / homeless people / poverty stricken children / soup kitchen lines. scenes... - 192900:18
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de b/w 1929 reenactment rear view panicked stockbrokers watching stock price board + ticker - 192900:21
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de close up newspaper headline "stock market collapses / wall street in panic as bonds tumble" - 192900:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de high angle crowds trading on floor of new york stock exchange after stock market crash / newsreel - 192900:07
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de exterior of bank, street scene / people running up to bank to withdraw their money / people holding bank notes in hand / street scene / people lined... - 192900:08
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de october 29, 1929 montage factory production grinding to a halt and workers standing in line at the employment office as the stock market crashes / london, england - 192900:18
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de citizens clamor to reclaim their savings after the 1929 stock market crash. - 192900:17
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de scraps of paper cover the floor of the new york stock exchange after the 1929 crash of the stock market. - 192900:14
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de businessmen watch as stacks of coins fall, factories come to a halt, men turned away from work, closed sign posted, businesses closed, crowded bank. - 192900:50
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de high angle people standing in line at outdoor soup kitchen / great depression / newsreel - 192900:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de huge crowds on wall street after stock market crash / newsreel - 192900:04
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de high angle action on floor of ny stock exchange / newsreel - 192900:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de close up newspaper headline announcing "stocks crash 10 billions" / newsreel - 192900:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de huge crowd on wall street after stock market crash / newsreel - 192900:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de high angle wide shot crowd on floor of new york stock exchange / papers flying in foreground / newsreel - 192900:01
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de high angle 2 long lines of men waiting for handout / great depression / newsreel - 192900:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de close up newspaper headline "stocks off 5 billion...severest break of wall st. history" / news. - 192900:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de man with mug being served food from bucket at outdoor soup kitchen / depression / newsreel - 192900:01
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de high angle busy crowd on floor of new york stock exchange / wall street, nyc / newsreel - 192900:12
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de pan down from heavy rain falling on tile roof to shot of people with umbrellas walking down narrow street. lanterns hang from building entrances. japanese town or village. - 192900:17
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de title "1929" superimposed on brown shirts marching as they approach, pass camera while saluting / adolf hitler rides through crowd in car /... - 192900:41
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de man sitting on park bench with head down / great depression / newsreel - 192900:03
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de zoom in close up newspaper headline "market in panic as stocks are dumped..." / newsreel - 192900:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de men hurrying on floor of new york stock exchange / newsreel - 192900:03
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de man writing on chalkboard at new york stock exchange after stock market crash / newsreel - 192900:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de ca. 1929 - 1930 b/w ms pedestrians walking past waiters and customers at outdoor cafe / paris, france - 192900:07
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de 1929 montage people at a club dancing to a band in the short film st. louis blues / new york city, new york, united states - 192900:27
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de 1929 b/w montage busy street / new orleans, louisiana - 192900:17
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de unemployed workers accept charity during the great depression. - 192900:24
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de during the 1929 stock market crash, a close up shot of a headline on the new york tribune newspaper reads "stocks off 5 billion in severest break of... - 192900:07
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de line of homeless men waiting to be fed / great depression / newsreel - 192900:03
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de high angle crowded floor of new york stock exchange / wall street, nyc / newsreel - 192900:03
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de tilt down men working on busy floor of ny stock exchange / newsreel - 192900:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de busy traders holding up hands on floor of stock exchange / newsreel - 192900:01
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de man signaling on floor of new york stock exchange / newsreel - 192900:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de b/w 1929 long shot factory with smokestacks + piles of coal outside (tar factory?) / newsreel - 192900:04
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de close up new york times headline announcing stock market crash / newsreel - 192900:05
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de close up new york post headline "stock market slumps in wild trading session" - 192900:08
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de 1929 b/w montage animation with map showing railroads leading to new orleans and trains louisiana usa - 192900:36
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de stock brokers react with panic during the 1929 stock market crash. - 192900:27
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de poverty stricken people live in shanty towns called hoovervilles during the great depression. - 192900:12
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de stock exchange floor, people gathered w/ male in group shouting, crowded floor , variety headline 'wall st. lays an egg' ticker tape from machine... - 192900:20
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de high angle admiral byrd's airplane flying over snowy plain / antarctica - 192900:09
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de propeller plane taxis on snowy plain / antarctica / admiral byrd's flight over south pole - 192900:12
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de group of men surround cairn left by amundsen near south pole + remove hats in honor - 192900:18
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de admiral byrd's airplane flying over snowy plain / antarctica - 192900:13
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de admiral byrd's airplane landing on snowy plain / men in foreground cheer + wave / antarctica - 192900:15
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de admiral byrd walking on snowy plain / turns + waves to airplanes in distance, walks away - 192900:08
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de wide shot rear view people waving + cheering as airplane takes off from snowy plain - 192900:09
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de men carrying admiral byrd + others on shoulders toward camera after flight to south pole - 192900:11
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de benito mussolini + cardinal gasparri signing lateran treaty - 192900:04
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de man on roof building temporary housing on byrd's antarctic expedition / documentary - 192900:06
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de high angle wall street with trinity church in background / nyc / newsreel - 192900:03
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de dogsled + man riding over ice in byrd's expedition to antarctica / documentary - 192900:08
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de wide shot dogsleds riding over ice in byrd's expedition to antarctica / documentary - 192900:07
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de airplane for byrd's flight over the south pole taxiing slowly past crew / documentary - 192900:17
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de dogsled crew pulling part of airplane for antarctic expedition / documentary - 192900:11
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de crewmen making preparations on airplane for byrd's expedition / antarctica / documentary - 192900:06
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de homeless crowd around nickel dine waiting to be fed / depression / newsreel - 192900:04
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de man digging away wall of snow from airplane for byrd's expedition / antarctica / docu. - 192900:06
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de byrd's crew shoveling snow to build igloo in little america, antarctica / documentary - 192900:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de busy traders working on floor of stock exchange / newsreel - 192900:01
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de stock traders + machines with lap dissolves "sell" memos in foreground / newsreel - 192900:15
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de close up busy trader on stock exchange floor with hands of men gesturing around him / newsreel - 192900:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de busy traders gesturing on floor of stock exchange / newsreel - 192900:01
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de close up angry trader holding up hands + yelling on floor of stock exchange / newsreel - 192900:02