vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de american planes marked with a circled w on tails / small bombs drop out of planes exploding on ground impact / aerial view of bombing devastation,... - guerra da coreia00:56
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de headline 'korea invaded' on screen accompanied by aerial view of buildings and farmland / military trucks kicking up dust, camouflaged soldiers... - guerra da coreia00:45
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de high angle view of troops boarding ship moored at harbor - korean war - guerra da coreia00:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de north korean army soldiers climbing and standing atop hill with north korean flag / us army soldiers slogging through water / us army soldiers taking... - guerra da coreia00:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de united states air force f-80s bomb north korean troops and supply lines during the korean war. - guerra da coreia00:26
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de various shots refugees carrying bundles walking about / legs of soldiers walking / looking down on crowd of refugees outside railroad station,... - guerra da coreia01:00
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de pershing heavy tank firing. another smaller tank firing. m-26 pershing us heavy tank firing in valley. us soldiers of un forces walking up road. us... - guerra da coreia00:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de u.s. air force military jets fly in squadrons, drop bombs, and fire artillery. - guerra da coreia00:37
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de the united states army sends its 24th infantry to the battle lines during the korean war. - guerra da coreia00:25
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de over destroyed korean landscape / title superimposed / newsreel - guerra da coreia00:03
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de early 1950s montage us army soldiers firing rifles and machine guns / south korea - guerra da coreia00:11
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de title "latest films from korea!" superimposed over south korean soldiers carrying dead soldier on stretcher / line of south korean soldiers walking... - guerra da coreia00:59
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de shot from behind soldiers of three us tanks in row in field / shot from below of tank on road on top of embankment, three soldiers standing behind it... - guerra da coreia00:40
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de montage korean village and countryside with smoke-filled air during korean war / korea - guerra da coreia00:19
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de thin prisoner dons coat with aid of helmeted american / large group of north koreans perform calisthenics with individual faces of men during workout... - guerra da coreia01:42
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de "korea" superimposed over f-51 mustang airplane strafing smoke filled area with machine guns near hills / various shots of us soldier firing m1919... - guerra da coreia00:59
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de newly recruited u.s. navy and marine corps troops mobilize for warfare in the korean conflict; soldiers fight with artillery; casualties are buried. - guerra da coreia02:34
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de pan soldiers marching down street / pan crowd waving american flags and cheering / soldiers marching, military police present / police holding back... - guerra da coreia01:50
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de low angle view of troops boarding ship moored at harbor - korean war - guerra da coreia00:11
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de line of u.s. marines descend a mountain trail in south korea. - guerra da coreia00:13
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de "paramount news issue no 79" / title card: "nation observes armed forces day" / title "new york's big parade" superimposed over mpov soldiers... - guerra da coreia00:46
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de north korean general nam ii, followed by aide, walks past camera, approach negotiation tent, salutes, jeep and other tents in bg / communist aides... - guerra da coreia00:25
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de boeing b-29 superfortresses drop bombs on targets during the korean war. - guerra da coreia00:27
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de soldiers walking across bridge. soldiers, military jeeps on road. trucks loaded w/ soldiers over bridge. u.s. tanks moving. south korean tanks down... - guerra da coreia00:16
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de soldiers firing cannons, korea. soldiers manning cannon, firing . cannons firing. shells exploding on side of tree covered hill. korean conflict,... - guerra da coreia00:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de building, lake success, new york. newspaper 'un calls for cease fire in korea...' int security council meeting. headline 'un backs us.' - guerra da coreia00:15
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de president harry truman regarding korean war: " we are united in detesting communist slavery. we know that the cost of freedom is high, but we are... - guerra da coreia00:14
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de title in form of newspaper headline: "korea cease-fire drama, global story of the year" / us soldiers in south korea march down road, trucks carrying... - guerra da coreia02:13
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de sikorsky h-19 chickasaw helicopter landing, two south korean marines in fgd crouching, other soldiers standing motion to crouching soldiers to board... - guerra da coreia01:48
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de "the war began here - june 25,1950 38th parallel courtesy 1st cavalry division" / pan over to two soldiers, one black, one white holding rifles,... - guerra da coreia00:09
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de south korean soldiers with rifles sitting on ground / three officers standing in front of soldiers, train behind them / the same officers talking /... - guerra da coreia00:25
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de sequence showing buildings on fire in seoul during the korean war. - guerra da coreia00:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de russian troops marching, lined up in formation, may day parade, red square, moscow. dictator joseph stalin watching. soldiers marching. stalin... - guerra da coreia00:20
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de panmunjom pelo dmz entre sul/coreia do norte = pal - guerra da coreia00:23
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de close up pile of newspapers with korean war headlines / newsreel - guerra da coreia00:03
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de june, 1950 rear view two soldiers in foxhole + mountains / start of korean war / newsreel - guerra da coreia00:05
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de south korea the clip starts with combat scenes as un forces led by the usa conduct the incheon landing. then, the marines move into incheon city. in... - guerra da coreia03:14
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de "paramount news issue no 26" / title card: "korea atrocity disclosures shock nation" / title card: "the grim evidence - films show massacred gis,... - guerra da coreia02:03
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de b/w montage u.s. army soldiers kneeling through high grass while advancing through korean countryside and soldiers carrying the wounded and countryside scenes of smoke billowing / korea - guerra da coreia00:52
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de early 1950s montage us army soldiers firing artillery, mortars, and tanks / south korea - guerra da coreia00:07
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de ramp of landing craft lowers, us gis disembark / soldiers disembark from landing craft infantry ship marked "607" above exit / vs soldiers walking on... - guerra da coreia00:35
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de soldier part of un forces using radio. us soldier reclined, shell shocked, tired, possibly wounded. behind us soldiers taking cover behind hill.... - guerra da coreia00:13
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de black + caucasian korean war soldiers riding on truck in parade / seattle - guerra da coreia00:03
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de high angle korean soldiers run thru trenches / one gets into position to shoot /start of korean war - guerra da coreia00:03
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de title "'hello! we're home from korea . . . '" superimposed over three smiling us soldiers looking though porthole of troop transport / transport... - guerra da coreia01:39
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de "special release--armistice in korea" / title card: "the tide of events as the shooting ends--the big job ahead until permanent peace and stability... - guerra da coreia01:50
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de "historic films: the truce is signed!" superimposed over gen. mark w. clark, us army, signing the armistice agreement at munsan / ext peace pagoda in... - guerra da coreia02:14
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de group of korean war orphans walk arm-in-arm toward camera / pan l/r children in classroom bow their heads, look up, bow heads again / high-angle pan... - guerra da coreia01:55
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de adult male caucasian us army soldiers frisk south korean adult male civilians lined up outside small town. american gi with rifle and bayonet,... - guerra da coreia01:08
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de army soldiers firing light machine guns with a tank burning nearby / south korea - guerra da coreia00:06
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de north korean soldiers standing on hill holding north korean flag / south korea - guerra da coreia00:06
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de british navy motor launch moves in water, presumably bearing british commonwealth forces rear adm. william g. andrewes after his meeting with us navy... - guerra da coreia01:20
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de four united states army soldiers jump and wave and shout, pump rifle in air and toss their helmets up standing beside sign "the war began here- june... - guerra da coreia00:17
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de three shots of column of soldiers walking along both sides of road / korean civilians carrying supplies walking along road / tank parked on road,... - guerra da coreia00:40
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de rear shot south korean soldier looks down from hillside trench, holding rifle, as encampment stands below / soldier aims artillery gun from his... - guerra da coreia01:37
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de army tank approaches / a soldier fires a machine gun as another feeds bullets from a bandolier / note: month/day not known - guerra da coreia00:09
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de june, 1950 profile korean soldier shooting rifle / start of korean war / newsreel - guerra da coreia00:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de harry s. truman and general macarthur meet on wake island to discuss the korean war; the uss missouri fires on korean shores. - guerra da coreia01:59
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de / large ocean liner moving into san francisco bay / soldiers on board waving to the waiting crowd / several african american soldiers talking into... - guerra da coreia01:00
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de two shots of line of prisoners with hands on their heads guarded by us soldiers walking down road / prisoners kneeling down in road in front of two... - guerra da coreia01:06
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de soldiers dragging a wounded soldier on stretcher beneath enemy fire / south korea - guerra da coreia00:06
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de army soldiers trudging through water / south korea - guerra da coreia00:05
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de crowds line washington, dc street, with us capitol in background and motorcade bearing gen. douglas macarthur slowly approaching on street /... - guerra da coreia01:47
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de little boys playing in front of make-shift shelter in front of bombed out building / vendors in make-shift stalls made of tarps and scraps, young... - guerra da coreia02:05
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de monroe dances and sings for the gis, sings with a quartet of men accompanying her - guerra da coreia00:33
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de title superimposed on troop transport ship, "the living & the dead come home" over uss general george m. randall / us servicemen waving from ship as... - guerra da coreia01:00
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de ceremony of the first republic of korea, u.s. generals john r. hodge, douglas macarthur, & first president syngman rhee watching, large groups of... - guerra da coreia00:22
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de superfortress bombers flying. aerial: convair b-36 'peacemaker' airplanes in flight. silhouettes of b-36's passing. korean war - guerra da coreia00:13
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de montage crowded road as korean refugees flee battle zone area during korean war; carts laden with possessions line side of road as pedestrians carry... - guerra da coreia00:26
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de group of soldiers shooting cannon in korean war / newsreel - guerra da coreia00:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de veteran bombers drop bombs on korea; harry s. truman delivers a speech on the korean conflict. - guerra da coreia01:47
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de the un security counsel examines a soviet machine gun; david rice atchison addresses the united nations general assembly, requesting peace. - guerra da coreia01:39
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de "on korean front rockets in fiery salute!" superimposed over rocket barrage / korean war / united states marines / marines with artillery, setting up... - guerra da coreia01:18
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de "cease-fire drama - first pictures from kaesong" / munsan, korea: first truce delegation at helicopter, us air force helicopter in front of... - guerra da coreia01:46
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de ms pan people roaming at statues in platoon at new korean war veterans memorial with bronze statues in mall / washington dc, washington district of columbia, united states - guerra da coreia00:07
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de "paramount news issue no 66" / title "korea - new films of fighting on western front" superimposed over wide shot of battle front in mountainous... - guerra da coreia01:00
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de title "last of the f-86's - end of production on famous jet" superimposed over parked usaf f-86 on tarmac, usaf pilot in cockpit / pilot and man... - guerra da coreia00:53
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de korean orphans standing in circle, dancing, teacher helping the younger ones to participate / little boy and girl performing as others sitting on... - guerra da coreia00:33