vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de benito mussolini, hermann goering, adolf hitler and high commanders meeting in hitler's headquarters - hermann goering00:08
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de 1940s b/w montage adolf hitler and herman goering / germany - hermann goering00:19
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de adolf hitler walks up the steps at berchtesgaden with hermann gring before the scene switches to hitler and his military strategists laughing as... - hermann goering00:29
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de german air force commander hermann goering / germany - hermann goering00:06
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hermann goring stands, gesturing at map on table w/ other officers . goring pointing at map, heinrich himmler fg, to hitler seated in chair. goering... - hermann goering00:14
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de war criminals w/ sentencing vo 'death by hanging', hermann goering, joachim von ribbentrop, fritz sauckel, julius streicher, wilhelm frick, hans... - hermann goering00:40
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de "goering, named prussian minister of interior by hitler, outlines his program, february 1933" / hermann goering, wearing suit and tie, seated in... - hermann goering00:46
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de close up hermann goering listening on headphones at war crime trials / nuremberg / documentary - hermann goering00:07
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de destruction in city of nuremberg / wrecked wall with word "nuremberg" on it / military policeman outside jail / int jail, man walking across bridge... - hermann goering01:35
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de former nazi leaders sitting at trial for crimes against humanity including hermann goering, rudolf hess, wilhelm keitel, alfred jodl, and alfred... - hermann goering00:37
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de nazi official hermann goering standing on balcony of reich chancellery, adolf hitler standing next to him, minister of interior dr. wilhelm frick... - hermann goering00:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hermann goering stands in background during event, possibly nuremberg trial, wearing street clothing / vs distraught people walking, presumably upon... - hermann goering01:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de german prisoners sitting in prisoners' box, us military mps standing guard behind them / two rows in front of mps reichstag president hermann... - hermann goering00:40
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de inside courtroom pan from judges' bench to prosecuting attorneys and other people in the room then back to judges, audio of soviet judge speaking... - hermann goering02:23
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de 1920s hermann goering + 2 other men riding in convertible / 1 man raises arm in salute / germany - hermann goering00:02
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hitler and goering planning air raids / german planes taking off for bombing at night - hermann goering00:37
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de italian invasion of ethiopia/japanese invasion of manchuria/ mussolini, goering< hitler and other leaders meeting - hermann goering00:14
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de nazi officials speak of world domination to cheering crowds. - hermann goering00:38
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hitler, goering, and military entourage walk down street lined with swastika flags / sudetenland, czechoslovakia - hermann goering00:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de adolph hitler saluting screaming, unseen crowd, goering and other military officers in background / sudetenland, czechoslovakia - hermann goering00:49
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de meeting between hitler and goering / berchtesgaden, germany - hermann goering00:06
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hitler and goering walking up stairs / berchtesgaden, germany - hermann goering00:12
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de german soldiers running down railroad tracks away from explosions / wider view of explosions / adolf hitler talking with german officers including... - hermann goering00:38
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hermann goering surrenders his gun and belt. - hermann goering00:07
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de "kolonne reicht sich an kolonne" / large group of nazis in a park / nazi marching band / transcript of german newspaper article about the rally in... - hermann goering02:20
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de world war ii / nuremberg trial / defendants sit in the dock with mps surrounding them / hermann goering wears sunglasses / most wear headphones... - hermann goering01:01
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de world war ii / nuremberg trial / courtroom people wearing headphones / defendants sit in the dock with mps surrounding them / defendants and court... - hermann goering01:49
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de world war ii / nuremberg trial / defendants sit in the dock with mps surrounding them/ hermann goering enters, smiling and shaking hands with fellow... - hermann goering02:00
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de packed courtroom at nuremberg military tribunal for nazi war crimes / mws high ranking nazi officials seated in courtroom / front row, from left:... - hermann goering01:07
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de high angle of nazi youth leader baldur von schirach and nazi forced labor director fritz sauckel listening thru headphone translators at nuremberg... - hermann goering01:23
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de [from german film seized by canadian government; vo in german - exact year not known except for paris ftg] troops, possibly spanish, march at the... - hermann goering01:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de skull and swastika / adolf hitler salutes / hitler speaks on stage before a crowd / joseph goebbels / rudolph hess / heinrich himmler / herman... - hermann goering02:33
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de nazi prisoners in courtroom box reichstag president hermann goering, nazi german foreign minister joachim von ribbentrop, nazi field marshal wilhelm... - hermann goering03:11
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de prisoners in prisoners' box front row reichstag president hermann goering; deputy fuhrer rudolf hess; behind them karl doenitz, german navy chief; us... - hermann goering02:11
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de tilt down from public address speaker on top of pole, to group of men gather around it listening, building in bg / men listening / man listening /... - hermann goering00:19
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de an art gallery with people milling about the artworks / three men, possibly the artists, stand together / vs four framed caricatures of german fuhrer... - hermann goering01:38
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de 1920s hermann goering + other man pointing + looking offscreen / crowd in background / germany - hermann goering00:01
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de adolf hitler and other nazi officers walking through hospital corridor, rear view of hitler turning into hospital room / hitler and others walking... - hermann goering01:06
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hess, goering, frank, goebbels, dietrich, todt, darre, ley, reinhardt - hermann goering00:30
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de benito mussolini walking with german dictator adolf hitler and other german officers / mussolini and hitler walking along together / explosion going... - hermann goering00:28
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hitler standing on balcony of reich chancellery next to nazi official hermann goering looks down on crowd below and gives them nazi salute / crowd... - hermann goering01:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de pan left of courtroom from judges to prisoners in the dock / hermann goering , rudolf hess, joachim von ribbentrop; behind: karl doenitz, erich... - hermann goering00:50
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hermann goering in the dock seated next to rudolf hess and joachim von ribbentrop; karl doenitz, erich raeder behind them / vs high angle view of the... - hermann goering00:57
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de courthouse / int courtroom with nazis and prosecutors / paper - hermann goering00:18
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de "christening of new great german aircraft in presence of cabinet members" / hermann goering, minister of aviation, standing on platform speaking /... - hermann goering00:49
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hermann goering sends the full force of the luftwaffe to england making raf coordinate ground and air attacks as fighter planes reach the city - hermann goering02:58
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de world war ii / nuremberg trial / defendants sit in the dock with mps surrounding them / hermann goering wears sunglasses / most wear headphones... - hermann goering01:32
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de high ranking nazis listen to testimony at nuremberg war crimes trial, german deputy fuhrer rudolf hess wobbles dizzily in his seat, german foreign... - hermann goering01:44
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de german soldiers pushing bi-plane out of hangar, soldiers loading bombs into plane. mot 1917: flying ace: german fighter pilot hermann goering in... - hermann goering00:27
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hitler and hermann goering [goring] dressed in sa uniforms walking path, huge crowd of people w/arms extended in nazi salute, hitler standing on... - hermann goering00:54
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hermann goering standing gesturing at table other officers & erwin rommel bg. goering pointing at map heinrich himmler xfg hitler seated in chair.... - hermann goering00:27
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hermann goering sitting in defendants dock next to rudolf hess w/ karl doenitz in sunglass bg, docket, ribbentrop, keitel, kaltenbrunner , raeder,... - hermann goering00:09
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de press people, war correspondents, seated in chairs outside, vs surrendered german nazi reichmarshall hermann goering sitting, talking w/ unidentified... - hermann goering00:15
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de soldiers marching in parade formation night: ships on sea w/ spotlights aerial possibly berlin dirigible in flight hermann goering toasting drinking... - hermann goering00:34
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de view of nazi prisoners in courtroom, including hermann goering and rudolph hess / montage of views of officials in courtroom listening through... - hermann goering01:05
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de drummers beating drums / a wrecked city / a damaged building wall with the word nuremburg / a military policeman standing in the street with people... - hermann goering00:36
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de montage tribunal members read documents aloud from bench at nuremberg trials / montage defendant hermann goering, wearing translation headphones,... - hermann goering00:19
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de judges standing up and filing out of courtroom / over to people leaving / courtroom, prisoners' box with mp guards in white helmets, people walking... - hermann goering02:20
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de the search for peace" / meeting of united nations general assembly / overhead of country delegates / various country delegates / animation of globe... - hermann goering01:30
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de 1920s hermann goering + others exiting building with crowd in front / germany / documentary - hermann goering00:01
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de / adolf hitler's motorcade arrives in the sudetenland, czechoslovakia after the annexation of the territory into the german reich / crowds of people... - hermann goering01:11
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de and 1 october 1946: documentary, historic, and archival footage of the nuremberg trials which judged 24 of the most important political and military... - hermann goering02:44
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de nuremberg, germanyhistory footage of the nuremberg trials circa 1946 in nuremberg, germany. the footage shows the process of formation of the nazi... - hermann goering03:29
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de episode p-10] greatest headlines of the century title sequence / title card: "hitler dead" with photo of german chancellor adolf hitler / [late... - hermann goering03:24
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de nazi officials speak of world domination to cheering crowds. - hermann goering00:38
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hermann goering testifies about his knowledge of the holocaust at the nuremberg trials. - hermann goering00:57
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de at the nuremberg trials a police investigator of the reichstag fire states that hermann goering and joseph goebbels were instrumental in orchestrating the fire to strengthen the nazi party. - hermann goering01:18
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de hermann goering testifies about his knowledge of the holocaust at the nuremberg trials. - hermann goering00:57
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de crowd gathered in street / adolf hitler, with army officers, walking along street in front of military band / hitler walks up to officer and shakes... - hermann goering00:22
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de german chancellor adolf hitler standing in front of reich chancellery building with his chief aide hermann goering on his left and two army staff... - hermann goering00:08
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de goebbels blames the communists for the reichstag fire, goring allows police to shoot and kill communists. - hermann goering00:20
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de herman goering inspecting ukrainian village during operation barbarossa - hermann goering00:26
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de adolf hitler and hermann goering meeting with nazi officers / graphic of the german army advancing across europe - hermann goering00:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de november 29, 1945 montage nazis plead not guilty, rudolph hess, joachim von ribbentrop, julius streicher / nuremberg, germany - hermann goering00:34
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de november 29, 1945 b/w hermann goering speaking in german on behalf of nazi defendants, man translating for court / nuremberg, germany - hermann goering00:36
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de november 29, 1945 montage judges ordering the defendants will plead guilty or not guilty / nuremberg, germany - hermann goering00:16
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de nazi dignitaries arriving in front of crowd / nazis saluting hitler, goering, and others / sailors on ship saluting / officials approaching podium /... - hermann goering00:30