Congressman Scott supports Inflation Reduction Act for extending black lung excise tax

House Education and Labor Committee Chairman Bobby Scott of Virginia says in House floor debate on the Inflation Reduction Act that the bill extends the American Rescue Plan reduction in the cost of insurance under the Affordable Care Act, will make the largest ever investment to address climate change, make a permanent extension of the black lung excise tax to fund future benefits and health care for miners in southwest Virginia and across coal country suffering from black lung disease, while ensuring the coal industry does not shift the cost of benefits from coal companies to miners' families or the taxpayer
House Education and Labor Committee Chairman Bobby Scott of Virginia says in House floor debate on the Inflation Reduction Act that the bill extends the American Rescue Plan reduction in the cost of insurance under the Affordable Care Act, will make the largest ever investment to address climate change, make a permanent extension of the black lung excise tax to fund future benefits and health care for miners in southwest Virginia and across coal country suffering from black lung disease, while ensuring the coal industry does not shift the cost of benefits from coal companies to miners' families or the taxpayer

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Data da criação:
12 de agosto de 2022
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Washington, DC, United States
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