vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de woman receiving tax refund check from government in office - contribuinte00:09
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de oil prices rose tuesday over bullish demand outlook following a us decision to kick off replenishment of its emergency stockpiles and over the... - contribuinte01:08
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de florida congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz says in debate on a conservative immigration reform bill that it's only compromise was on the source... - contribuinte00:57
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de billion nhs boost to come mostly from taxes; england: london: hampstead: royal free hospital: int theresa may mp along meeting patient in hospital... - contribuinte00:41
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de kentucky congressman andy barr says the 2010 financial control law commonly known as dodd-frank was supposed to protect consumers but instead the... - contribuinte01:33
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de nevada representative jacky rosen says in debate on a nuclear waste policy bill that based on department of energy studies, yucca mountain was unfit... - contribuinte01:08
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de new york congressman paul tonko says at a hearing with epa administrator scott pruitt before a house energy and commerce subcommittee he knew many... - contribuinte02:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de oregon senator ron wyden says that on tax day the irs electronic filing system had gone down, which meant that folks could not file electronically or... - contribuinte01:14
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de house minority leader nancy pelosi of california tells reporters at a weekly briefing that every week brings new evidence of a culture of corruption... - contribuinte01:18
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de president dwight eisenhower at desk with microphones waiting to begin talk; sot he begins speaking, discussing national security, fiscal problems,... - contribuinte02:45
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de house minority leader nancy pelosi of california says at a weekly press conference that instead of paying to create jobs or ways wages for... - contribuinte01:54
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de house minority leader nancy pelosi of california answers a reporter question about dodd-frank deregulation that the gop attempt should be a cause for... - contribuinte01:17
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de texas congressman jodey arrington says his heart was heavy after a conversation with veterans of foreign wars about the department of veterans... - contribuinte01:01
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de sequence of shots showing natwest's offices in bishopsgate, london - contribuinte00:12
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de ross mcewan, chief executive of rbs saying it will take a 'number of years' before taxpayers see a return following news that rbs have returned to... - contribuinte00:14
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de ross mcewan, chief executive of rbs saying it is ' very symbolic' that rbs have returned to profit after being bailed out by the government in 2008 - contribuinte00:12
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de craig beaumont of the federation of small businesses saying that rbs should be investing in local communities following news that rbs have returned... - contribuinte00:12
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de overhead helicopter shot of the rbs headquarters in edinburgh, scotland - contribuinte00:14
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de house minority leader nancy pelosi of california says at a press conference, that republicans had put forth a trifecta of giving tax cuts to... - contribuinte00:51
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de alabama congressman bradley byrne says he was shocked at how complicated the congressional process for handling sexual harassment and other claims... - contribuinte02:05
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de senate minority leader charles schumer of new york says that security experts have testified for decades that border security is broader than a... - contribuinte02:59
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de house speaker paul ryan of wisconsin tells reporters at a weekly press briefing that pundits and spinsters and spinmeisters out there were confusing... - contribuinte03:52
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de cost to taxpayers:; itn england: / seq train towards; driver in cabin; train track forwards as into london victoria; intercity train towards into... - contribuinte01:22
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de new york congressman tom reed asks in debate on a motion to instruct house and senate conferees on the tax cuts and jobs act that colleagues look at... - contribuinte01:30
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de theresa may florence speech; theresa may mp speech sot but in this context i am conscious that our departure causes another type of uncertainty for... - contribuinte10:00
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de texas congressman kevin brady says that the tax cuts in jobs act was historic legislation that would revitalize the economy and provide lasting... - contribuinte04:46
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de iowa senator chuck grassley says that for the american taxpayer, the gigantic tax code was not a dream but a nightmare, that the bill unveiled took a... - contribuinte04:42
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de montana senator jon tester says that across the country wildfires burned nearly 9 million acres in 2017, 1.2 million acres in montana alone and have... - contribuinte03:57
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de labour mp comments on prince harry criticised by defence minister; england: london: kensington: int emma dent coad mp interview sot - people have... - contribuinte00:19
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de labour mp comments on prince harry criticised by defence minister; england: london: kensington: local council meeting emma dent coad mp interview sot... - contribuinte00:29
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de taxpayers to receive personalised statements; england: london: gir: int reporter to camera with video wall london: ext vox pops gir: int reporter to... - contribuinte02:58
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de welfare reform bill passed in parliament; england: london: gir int liam byrne mp live 2-way interview from house of commons sot - angry government... - contribuinte02:39
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de government withdraws west coast franchise tender; manchester: int labour party conference ed miliband mp on stage ed miliband mp speech sot - what... - contribuinte00:22
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de sir mervyn king interview; england: london: gir: int sir mervyn king live studio interview sot - on how long the bust will go on / wish i had a... - contribuinte09:32
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de sarah wollaston, chair of the health select committee, saying "a taxpayer-funded nhs, free at the point of use" is something "all political parties... - contribuinte00:17
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de house budget committee chair and tennessee congresswoman diane black says at the outset of a committee mark that the first job of government is to... - contribuinte03:26
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de nick clegg interview; england: london: int nick clegg mp interview sot - on eu summit - good progress was made, hope the eurozone is starting to turn... - contribuinte02:38
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de british rail privatisation plans; nao: england, london cms john macgregor mp holding up copy of railways bill at pkf backdrop showing train at pkf... - contribuinte02:09
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de shares price; england, london cms sir george young mp intvw sot - want railtrack in private sector because believe it is right policy for railways... - contribuinte03:31
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de new mexico congresswoman michelle lujan grisham argues for a last change on behalf of house democrats to the fiscal 2018 national defense... - contribuinte06:14
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de georgia congressman hank johnson says that up is down and down is up, but the truth will set you free has donald trump took office in violating a... - contribuinte03:55
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de year 2000 computer bug; kidney dialysis machine working rush i/c woman operating computerised dialysis machine emma clay - we use dates for cleaning... - contribuinte01:46
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de conservative party policy meeting; england: north london: int william hague mp sitting at table for meeting of shadow cabinet to discuss conservative... - contribuinte01:28
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de missouri representative vicky hartzler argues that as north korea plots its next ballistic missile test, russia threatens the nato alliance, isis... - contribuinte02:59
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de managers' pay; cms stephen dorrell mp intvwd sot - most taxpayers want quality well paid managers for the nhs - contribuinte00:10
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de issues affecting the countryside; england: gloucester: man ringing bell at cattle market bv man ringing bell as farmers towards: farmers at ringside... - contribuinte05:52
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de taxpayers's charter; england london strand francis maude mp and others take seats at pkf citizen's charter logo ext cms intvw francis maude mp sof -... - contribuinte01:09
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de buckingham palace to be opened/ windsor's restoration; st james palace cms lord airlie pkf sot - burden on taxpayer for windsor restoration will not... - contribuinte00:50
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de commercialism v the olympic ideal; people looking at merchandise on stall bikoff intvwd - seems to be vendor on every street - makes our job... - contribuinte00:48
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de 'sweetners'; itn lib england: lancs: warton british aerospace military aircraft warton' sign on building pull out itn lib west midlands int tms car... - contribuinte00:40
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de rail privatisation 'fat cats'; london int cms christian wolmar intvw sot - no new trains/ service deteriorate/ few improvements on the horizon/'fat... - contribuinte00:16
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de shares price; england, london w1, qeii conference centre sir george young mp intvw sot - certainly not / are inviting institutions to bid for them/... - contribuinte00:39
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de leaflets row; itn studio dr jack cunningham mp, shadow environment spksmn intvwd- accuses ridley of incompetent abuse & spending taxpayers money on... - contribuinte00:34
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de shares price; int london, qeii conference centre sir george young mp intvw sot - certainly not / are inviting institutions to bid for them/ tax payer... - contribuinte00:39
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de complaints / privatisation; dept of transport int cms john macgregor mp pkf sot - endless amounts of taxpayers' money not available for br - contribuinte00:12
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de lord tugendhat interview; england lord tugendhat, chmn abbey national, intvw sot - for all its history & blue blood & the great sadness that... - contribuinte03:09
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de leaflets row; itn studio interview, nicholas ridley, environment secretary, sof - labour council using courts to opose something that the parliament... - contribuinte00:51
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de black market crackdown; frank field mp interview sot - will make sure there are fewer hiding places for people who are stealing from all other... - contribuinte00:24
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de shares price; england, london side sir george young mp takes seat at pkf flanked by transport department financial advisers board showing share... - contribuinte01:30
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de sophie countess of wessex controversy continues; itn gordon prentice mp interviewed sot - this is from a woman who gets 141 thousand pounds a year... - contribuinte00:18
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de rail privatisation 'fat cats'; int london cms christian wolmar intvw sot - no new trains/ service deteriorate/few improvements on the horizon/'fat... - contribuinte00:16
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de government buys into high street banks rbs, hbos & lloyds: david cameron interview; england: yorkshire: halifax: ext * * beware flash photography * *... - contribuinte02:37
vídeos de stock, filmes e b-roll de chief executive stephen hester defends bonus payments; england: bishopsgate, city of london int stephen hester shaking hands with reporter sot /... - contribuinte09:25